"A fucking tease"

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This chapter includes violent scenes and mentions of abuse

Thalia POV:

The next day came by quick and I was up and ready. I didn't come to play games. I knock on the door, hoping I got the right door. The door open revealing a sleepy Hade.

I look at him, well more like his shirtless chest and how his sweatpants are low on his waist. "Hey" he said while leaning against the doorframe.

I turn my head to make sure drool is not coming out my mouth. I turn back around and say, "Sorry to wake you, but can we go talk to El."

"Yeah, just give me a second to shower and get ready. You can wait on my bed" he says moving to the side letting me in.

He certainly allowed me access to his room despite not trusting me. I might even sell his boxers or steal his television. Many people would probably pay a lot of money for that, I bet.

I hear my boots as I walk in, I look around his room. Wow, it matches him well. The walls were grey, and the ceiling was black with a mirror above it.

Why does he have a mirror up there?

I look at his bed, which is big enough for 5 people. His bedframe is black and so is his covers, pillow, and ottoman.

"You like my room" he says watching me look around. I turn towards him staring straight at his chest. I just want to rub my hands on his abs.

"Yeah, I do." He hums at my response and walk into the bathroom. I play on my phone waiting for him.

I wonder if he brought someone else in this room

Snap out of it, it's none of my business

I hear a knock then someone comes in. I see Finn. I sit up and look at him. "He's in the shower." Finn looks at me then the shower door and smirk. "Oh"

"Finn it's not like that, really" I say rolling my eyes at him.

"You sure" he says.

I hit him with the pillow making him scrounge his body up trying to avoid my hits. "Okay, okay damn! Can you stop hitting me?" He says.

I laugh and stop hitting him.

"Stop assuming things then" I say. I do agree there is tension between us but I can't afford messing with someone else. Last time it almost costed my life. I won't allow someone to be my priority while allowing myself to be their option. I just can't.

"Anyways I came in here to tell Hades that his parents, uncle, and the rest of his family's coming tomorrow from Italy." Finn says then kiss my forehead before leaving.

They really have bad timing

Oh shit, why is his family coming tomorrow at all times. I don't know what to do. I could just stay in my room all day, while I try to find my parents. I could call them but they don't answer their phone.

Fuck, I'm not good at introductions.

I'm either too rude, or too nice that it makes me look weird

While I'm panicking Hades comes out with a towel around his waist and a towel drying his hair.

He did that shit on purpose.

He knew damn well I was sitting on the bed. I stared the whole way until he went into the closet to put some clothes on.


He comes back with a white dress shirt, and black dress pants with his blazer in his hand. His chains were on his neck and his wet hair hanging in his face.

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