Chapter 10

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I woke up from my alarm. It was 8 AM. I had classes today. Luckily I don't have a long day. I got up from my bed and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked at the cuts from a few days ago. They were still bleeding a bit. Mostly just body fluids. I changed the bandages and got dressed. I didn't feel like dressing up too much so I just grabbed a pair of black pants that weren't too tight in my legs and a black hoodie. I put my hair into a messy bun and didn't put on any makeup.

As I left my room, Denice was still asleep. I was jealous of her that she could always sleep so peacefully. I always had nightmares. I grabbed a 'to go' cup from the cabinet and filled it with coffee. I don't like coffee that much, but I needed it as I have important classes today.

I arrived at the school property and got out of my car. I had my earplugs in and the music blasted through my ears. I didn't want to be social today. As I arrived at my first class I started to not feel well. I got light-headed and asked the teacher if I could go to the restroom. As I stood up I fainted.

I woke up and saw that everyone was staring at me. "Give her some space," the teacher said to my classmates. "Are you alright?" he asked. "Yeah, sorry, I just got up too fast," I said as I got up. I took my bag and went to the restroom. When I took a sip of water from the tap, I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a ghost. I went to the school nurse and she send me home.

By the time I arrived home, I had a heavy feeling in my chest. I still didn't feel well. I unlocked the door and went straight to my room. I almost made it to my bed but I blacked out onto the floor beside it. Denice followed me to my room as she had just woken up. She saw I fell to the ground and called Colby right away.

By the time Colby arrived, I woke up. I sat against the bed and grabbed my head as it pounded. Denice and Colby rushed into my room. "Oh my god, are you okay?" Denice asked me. "Yeah my head hurts a little, but other than that I'm alright," I answered as I went up to go sit on my bed. "Are you sure you are alright?" Colby asked me, as he looked concerned. "Yeah, don't worry," I say and put a fake smile on my face. "Would you please let me take you to the hospital?" he said with worry in his voice. "Fine, if it makes you happy," I complained.

I still felt light-headed by the time we arrived at the emergency room. A nurse took me to a patient room and started to ask me questions. "Okay miss Rivers, What happened?" the nurse asked. "I don't really know," I said. "She fainted," Denice told the nurse. "I see, has this ever happened to you before?" she asked. "Yeah," I whispered honestly. "Okay, so this is what we're gonna do. We're gonna do a full body checkup, okay?" the nurse said. I nodded. Denice had to go back to the waiting room.

As I got undressed and put the apron on, the nurse came back with a doctor. "Hello, my name is Docter Westerfield," the doctor said. "I heard you fainted?" the woman asked. I nodded, not sure of what's gonna happen. They checked my blood pressure and heartbeat. All looked well, but then I felt my anxiety getting worse. The nurse noticed. "It's gonna be alright," she assured me.

I got a few bruises, but they let me go. As I returned to the waiting room, Colby stood up and hugged me tightly. "What did they say? Are you okay?" he rambled on. "Colby, calm down. I got a few bruises but that's it," I said. "Oh thank god," he responded. Denice looked concerned as well. We got in the car and Denice finally spoke, "Are you sure you're okay?" "Yeah, I'll explain in detail what the doctor said when we get home, okay?" I said as I looked desperately at her. She nodded.

As we arrived home, I got a text message from Sam. "Hey, wanna go film a video tomorrow with Colby, Kat, and me? It's an overnight one, so don't wake up too early," "Yeah sounds fun," I responded. Denice and I got inside and Colby needed to go home to edit a video. "Hey, is it okay if I go film a video with Sam, Colby, and Kat tomorrow night?" I ask Denice. She looked concerned. "Yeah, that's alright on one condition," she said. "What is it?" I ask. "Ask Colby to keep an eye on you. I don't want something to happen to you like today," she said worriedly. "I promise to ask him," I said.

As we sat down on the couch, Denice said, "What did the doctor really say in the hospital?" My facial expression immediately went to sad. "They said I needed to gain a few pounds to stop the fainting," I come clean. Denice sighed and looked at me disappointed. "I know, I know," I say to her annoyed. "I keep an eye on you and we need to make some plans," she said. I looked down to the ground as she said that. I didn't want her to know, 'cause I know she would be acting like this. "You need to tell Colby, Hailey," she looked at me. "I know, but I'm not sure how," I say pleading. "If you won't, I will. Hailey, this is serious," she said.

I know this is serious, but I don't want to put on weight. I thought to myself.

"This is your own fault. If you just said that you were fine and didn't want to go to the hospital, this would never have happened," the voice in my head said angrily.

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