Chapter 2

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I was getting ready for the party when Denice walked into my room. "Wow," she said when she looked at me. I had a black dress on that wasn't too tight on my body. As I grabbed a pair of black heels Denice went further into my room. "You look amazing," she said with a stunned look on her face. "You think so? I'm not sure tho," I said as I looked at myself in the mirror. "You look fabulous," she complimented me. I finished getting my hair done and we went downstairs to the car. I was driving since I wasn't gonna drink any alcohol.

As we started driving off, Denice put on some music. "Are you excited?" I asked. "I'm super excited, are you?" She said. "I don't know really. I'm kinda nervous," I said as I put on my best smile. "No need to be nervous. I'm here with you," she said as she put the music a bit louder. We sang along at the top of our lungs.

We almost arrived at the location. "You're going to be just fine," Denice said to me. " What if they don't like me?" I asked. " They will love you just like I do," she said confidently. I haven't met any of Denice's friends, so I was super nervous. My anxiety was going through the roof.

We arrived at the house. "You ready?" Denice asked. "I guess so.." I said unsure of myself. We got out of the car and a boy waited for us at the door. "Hey," Denice said to the stranger. "This is my roommate and my best friend, Hailey," she introduced me to the stranger. "Hey, my name is Sam. It's nice to meet you," he said. "It's nice to meet you too," I said.

Once got into the house, I felt all eyes on me. "Just relax," Denice instructed me. I try my best to do as she says. We found our way to the kitchen and got some drinks. As I poured some sparkled water into my cup, a guy approached me. "Hey, I've never seen you here before," He said, as I stared at him clueless of his name. "Let me introduce myself, I'm Colby," he said with a friendly face. "I'm Hailey," I said as I grabbed my cup and took a sip of it.

Everyone was talking to each other and I lost Denice in the crowd. I started to feel the anxiety crawl up. "Hey, there you are," A voice said from behind me. I turned around and let out my breath as I saw Denice standing there. "Where were you?" I asked her, a bit annoyed. "I was saying hi to everyone. I'm sorry I left you alone," she said with a guilty face. "It's alright," I said.

I went to the couch and sat down next to a couple. "Hey," said a guy with flaming red hair. "I'm Jake and this is Tara, nice to meet you," he said holding his hand out. "I'm Hailey, nice meeting you two," I said as I shook his hand twice. "You're Denice's friend, right?" He asked. "Yeah, we're roommates and she's my best friend," I said.

Jake, Tara, and I were talking for a while when suddenly Sam and a girl I'd never seen before sat beside me. "Hey, I'm Katrina," the girl introduced herself. "I'm Hailey," I said, trying to put a smile on my face. She looked gorgeous. She had split-dyed hair, with one side blue and the other side black. She had heavy makeup on, but it soothed her. The night went on and I met a lot of other people like Corey, Devin, Aaron, Elton, and his girlfriend.

I had lost Denice again, but it was alright as I talked with Katrina and Tara. They were very nice to me. "What do you do for a job?" Katrina asked. "I don't have a job at the moment, but I go to college here in California," I said as the girl listened carefully. "Wow, that's so cool," she said with a bright smile on her face. "I'm gonna get something more to drink, do you want some?" Tara asked me. "No, I think I'm good, thanks," I said to the nice girl as she walked to the kitchen.

The night went by pretty fast and as I looked at the time it was already 2 AM. I looked for Denice, but couldn't find her anywhere. I went to the bathroom to take a breather and I texted Denice to see where she went. I got a quick text back that she was going to sleep over. I texted back to say that I was going home since it was pretty late. I went back to the living room and sat on the couch. I drank the last bit of my drink and said my goodbyes to everyone.

The day we met // Colby BrockOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant