Chapter 9

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I woke up to a bright light coming from the window of Colby's room. I immediately sat straight up. "We fell asleep," I thought to myself. Colby woke up. "Hey, is everything okay?" he asked. "We fell asleep," I said to him. "I know, you looked exhausted. As we cuddled you fell asleep. I didn't wanna wake you. It looked like you could use a good night's sleep," he said. I looked at him and he had a smile on his face. I lay back down. "What time is it?" I asked Colby, after a moment of silence. "Too early," he responded still his eyes closed. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. "It's already 10 AM," I said, a bit in shock that I slept for so long.

As we found our way downstairs, Sam, Corey, and Elton sat in the living room. "Good morning," I said to the boys. They all turned to see who it was. "Good morning," they said back a bit surprised to see me. Colby went into the kitchen and I sat next to the boys. "Did you sleep well?" Corey asked. "Yeah, I slept pretty well," I say honestly. "How about you?" I asked back. They looked like they'd been up all night. "We didn't sleep much," Sam responded. "We filmed a video all night," Elton then said. "Oh," I said a bit insecure about what I should say next.

They all stared at me until Colby came back with his bowl of breakfast in his hands. "What were you guys talking about?" he asked as he found a seat next to me. He looked at me and smiled. I felt myself blushing. "We were just talking about the video we made last night," Corey responded and yawned.

We talked for a while before Colby asked "Do you want to film with us this weekend?" I thought about it for a second. "That sounds fun," I finally responded. "We'll text you the exact date and time," Sam said exited. Corey and Elton looked at me confused. I normally wouldn't go on exploring adventures. That was something I only saw in videos on YouTube. "I should go home," I said. "Denice must be worried," "I'll start the car," Colby responded.

As I said my goodbye's to the boys, I found my way to Colby's car. "I had a lot of fun," Colby said, as we drove off. "Me too," I say as I felt myself smiling. "You know, we could do this more often," he then blurted out. I guess he really liked last night, huh? I thought to myself. "Yeah, I don't see why we can't," I responded.

As we arrived at my apartment, Colby said, "I will look forward to seeing you this weekend," "Yeah, me too," I said. A smile crept up my face as I got out of the car. I looked back, just to see Colby still looking at me as I walked towards the apartment building. I waved him goodbye as I went through the door.

"Hey," I heard Denice say from out of the kitchen. "Did you have fun last night?" she asked as I approached her. I found a seat at the kitchen table and responded, "Yeah I had a lot of fun," I smiled. Denice was making lunch for herself. "Do you want anything?" she said. "No, thank you," I responded. As I stood up to go to my room to change.

As I went to the bathroom to freshen up and take my make-up off, I heard Denice talking to someone. "Yeah, she had a lot of fun," "I'm happy for her. It's been a long time since I've seen her this happy," she said. It sounds like she was on the phone with someone. I didn't pay much attention to it, as I filled the bathtub with hot water. I needed a little me time. I put on some music and as I did, I got a text from Colby. "Hey, I'm glad you came over last night," I smiled at the kind words.

"He doesn't like you," "He would never like someone like you, you fat pig," the voice in my head said.

I know he's way out of my league. But I think I got feelings for this guy. He is so sweet to me.

I got undressed and stepped into the hot water. The warmth of the water tingled on my skin. It was a nice feeling. Once I lay in the tub, my thoughts were as loud as ever. And I couldn't shake them off this time. I closed my eyes as flashbacks got on my mind.

He forced his body on top of me. "No, please, don't do this," I begged him. He didn't listen and forced himself into my body. I closed my eyes as I thought of what he was doing to me. After a while, he stopped. I opened my eyes and saw that he was done. I grabbed my pants from the floor.

See? I told you you would like it," he said with a smirk on his face. He grabbed me by my face and his grip was harsh. He screamed at me. "No one would love, you hear me?!" he said as he threw me on the ground. He laughed as he walked out of the room.

I opened my eyes just to find out I was crying. I got out of the bathtub and looked at myself in the mirror. I stood there for a few minutes and then I got dressed. When I came out of the bathroom, my eyes were red and puffy from the tears. "Hey, are you alright?" Denice asked as I found my seat on the couch. "Yeah I'm fine," I say.

Denice and I watched a movie for a while and talked. Before we knew it was already 11 PM. "I'm going to bed," I said as I stood from my spot. "Yeah me too, I'm pretty tired," she responded as she yawned.

The day we met // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now