Chapter 6

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I woke up to my alarm. It's 7 AM. "Time to get ready for school," I thought to myself. I got out of bed and got ready for school. I put on a pair of black jeans and a blue hoodie, did my hair and make-up, and packed my bag. As I went to the kitchen, I filled my bottle with water and put it in my bag. I have a long day at school today. I checked the time, took my bag and my phone and went to my car. I felt worse than normal for some reason.

As I got to my first class, Brandon caught up with me. "How was your weekend?" he asked. "It was alright, how as yours?" I asked back. "Mine was boring," he said as went on about what he did and explained it in detail. "Well this is me," I said as I stood in front of my classroom. "Alright well, I'll see you around," he said as he went to his class.

My first class of the day was Algebra. I loved this class. But it was done sooner than later. The rest of the day didn't go by as fast tho. As the bell rang for my last class, I was exhausted and glad I could go home. When I got home Sam and Colby were over. "Hey guys," I said as I went over to them. "Hey Hailey, how was your day at school?" Sam asked. "It was alright I guess, but I'm glad I'm home," I said with a tired voice. I took a seat next to Colby who was scrolling through his phone.

"How was your day?" I asked him. "Okay," he responded.  Okay? Is that all? Did I say something wrong?

"You did say something wrong. You always say something wrong. Isn't it obvious he doesn't want to talk to you? He doesn't wanna be friends with you. Get over it," The voice in my head said.

"I'm going to my room to study," I said. And with that, I got up and rushed to my room. Tears are threatening to fall down my cheeks, but I hold them back. I looked at my desk and the blade that lay there.

"Do it. You will feel better after it," the voice in my head said again.

I took the blade and dragged it across my leg. I started to cry as I saw the deep cut and the blood that ran off my leg to the ground. I took some wipes and wiped my leg dry as I put a bandaid on it. I cleaned the floor and went to lie on my bed. I put my earplugs in and the music blasted through my ears. I cried silently. It went on for about an hour. Colby came to see what I was doing and when he saw I was crying, he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" he asked with a soft voice. "Leave me alone," I said as more tears fell down my cheeks. "Did something happen?" he asked softly. "Nothing that's of your concern," I snap at him. I didn't mean to say it that harshly. "Talk to me," he said. "Why?" I asked. "Because I care about you," He said.

"He doesn't mean it. He will stab you in the back as your parents did. He doesn't care about you. And he never will. He won't be there for you when you tell him. He will leave," the voice in my head said.

Colby noticed I drifted off to my thoughts. "What are you thinking about?" he asked. "Nothing," I said through my tears. I sat up in my bed and offered Colby a seat on my bed. "Why did you come here?" I finally asked him. "You were acting off, so I thought I would take a look and see how you were doing," he confessed. "I'm sorry if acted off," I say guilty. "Don't be sorry for things you can't help," he said. I thought it was really sweet of him to come to check up on me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Do you want to come and sit with us in the living room?" he asked. "Yeah I'll be there in a bit," I said.

I stood up and put on a pair of jeans. The one I previously had on, was stained with the fresh cut I had made. I put a new bandaid on it and wrapped bandages around it so it wouldn't stain in the clean pair of jeans. I took a look at myself in the mirror and took off my make-up that had gotten all over my face.

I went into the living room as I heard Colby talk to Denice. "Is she alright?" He asked. "She went through some shit when we were in high school," Denice said. "I can't tell you what it was, 'cause I want her to tell you when she's ready," she continued. "I understand," Colby responded. I couldn't believe my ears. Did she almost tell Colby everything? I came around the corner and put the best smile I could give, on my face.

"Hey," Sam and Denice said together. The room was tense. "What did you guys talk about?" I asked as I sat down next to Colby. "We were talking about making a video," Denice lied. I look at her with an unpleasant face. She knows I know. "What's the video about?"I continued the conversation and I did my best to keep a smile on my face. "We wanted to go to a haunted asylum," Sam said. "Sounds fun," I said. "Do you wanna join us?" Colby asked. "Sure, why not," I said.

We talked for a bit more, and I forgot about the things that spun around in my head. I was generally smiling now. Colby knew and put his arm around me. As I looked up at him, he was smiling like crazy.

The day we met // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now