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I stand inside before I am faced with the podium where I will reveal my full form.
I have made a slim warrior suit that looked like my old Starzithian combat days, dark gray, form fitting, long sleeves with silver swirl markings on the wrists. Since I am not a Starzithian, it doesn't feel like my truth to wear the traditional braiding. I left it loose and flowing down my back in light waves, a part pulled to the side and clipped with the star pin my father gave me as a child.

Deecon taps his foot repeatedly, anxious for me to step out into the public.
I had called an event for everyone in Sky, large screens projecting the podium around the city to broadcast. Thousands stand in the streets, the chatter almost deafening of why they are here. Albi comes around the corner nodding to me.
"Whenever you are ready." He smiles, but I can tell he is anxious for the response like Deecon.
Edna sits beside him and smacks her hand on the top of Deecon's knee.
"Please stop the fucking tapping." She spats.
Deecon rolls his eyes and stands up, "Gee sorry my anxiety is annoying you, Edna." He scoffs.
He places his hand on my shoulder and whispers in my ear, "I'm so proud of you."
I place my sunglasses over my eyes, "Me too."

I straighten my back, head held high and begin my steps out to the crowd of people.
When I reach the podium and look down to the mass crowd below, my heart almost skips a beat, I was... scared.
What if they are frightened of me when I remove my shades?
What if it starts chaos?
I won't know until I do it... and most of me ached to be set free from this hiding.

I clear my throat.

"People of Sky Valley,
For many years you have worked for my family's goal of saving everyone here and on Lower. For thousands of years we have looked for a solution... but for thousands of years you and I have been in the dark. I have been in the dark and no one deserves a leader who isn't honest with you. I have learned that keeping secrets just prolongs the pain of the truth... and the truth is..."

My hands actually begin to shake as I lift my shades off my face, My bright pink eyes glow on every screen around the city. I hear the gasps and loud chatter grow.

"The stories of Starzithians are true.. I am not from your world.."

I try to calm myself as a tsunami of their anxiety and confusion drown me.

"My kind came here almost six thousand years ago, we went into hiding amongst your people to escape torturous fates within the galaxy. When Fierita was destroyed, my people saved your ancestors and brought them to Darus, all of the stories are true. We helped build Sky and Darus when it was struck... but our power put such fear in your hearts that we would turn against you... so we locked away our powers, most of us gave up hope and fled... I am the only one left... and these past few days I have learned something that I will not keep hidden from you...."

I collect myself for a moment, more scared of what my next part is in my speech.

".. There is no planet to save you.. Sky and Lower are your only options...My parents kept this from not just me but the people who worked endlessly to find a solution... and-.. I am not Starzithian, I was created by their leader to be the decider of your fate. My name is Gemini, two halves of darkness and light, a creation to decide fairly if planets are to be enslaved by their leader.. Or to be destroyed..."

Panic doesn't hit me like a wave, it hits me like a brick wall and I stumble a foot back. The crowd is now screaming at me to leave their planet, begging me to not destroy them.

"People of Sky! Listen!" I try to break the crowd's roaring screams but they continue to cry out. Some collapse to their knees, hands up and crying in my direction.

'I have always believed!'
'You should have left with your kind!'
'She's the end to all of us!'
'Please spare my children!'

They had already made up their minds that I was going to be cruel to my decision.
I couldn't get a word through to them as their panic began to turn into a frenzy of fist fights within the crowd, people being shoved to the ground, my Sky patrol guarding the podium was weakening as they tried to push through to get to me.

Enough was enough, I was their fucking God whether they liked me or not.

I push my palms into the podium, energy building and building until I finally let the slingshot release. My warmth that I have been practicing to stretch begins to travel down the podium, the light orange rays of it spread through the crowd. The ground beaming with light under their feet, giving them the feeling of calm makes them grow silent. Their fears and anxiety were put to sleep and awakened with serenity.

I open my eyes to a blissful crowd barely making a peep.

"This is why I have chosen a different fate for you.. I have lived among you for six thousand years. I have grown so fond of the way you humans feel and interact, the way you fight for your family, the way you smile over your passions... and the way you express love has left me infatuated with your kind. I may have been created but I am not making my purpose what their leader has chosen for me. I will not have Starzithians enslave you, I will not have you obliterated from existence... I will not have the Darus Devils blow up what your kind has built... I'm going to make sure no one threatens you ever again... and that starts with you.. Starting tomorrow I will be going down to Lower everyday to rebuild new cities, real cities just like Sky.. and starting within one year... I will be sending every person on Sky back to Lower in their new housing... Sky will be turned into the new headquarters where I will train your kind to defend themselves from future threats... once I have succeeded in the new plans for your kind... I will take myself to war against the Starzithians leader, Vyx. I need to destroy the being who holds the most threat to not just you, but every solar system in the galaxy... I will be answering questions out here all day in one hour, if you have one, Sky patrol will monitor the lines... I will speak to you soon."


Hours and hours go by as I answer each person's question, the line stretching through the city. I have found a way to make it go by faster, every time someone asks about my history, I show them my memories. Every time someone asks what my abilities are, I show them my memories.
Every time someone asks how I plan to turn Lower into a place like Sky, I show them my memories of how I built Darus.
I know the weather makes it a challenge but I have a few ideas on how to block it out, kind of like how I sheltered Kira's people.

The harder questions well... statements were,
'You can't send me down to that shithole.'
I would just smile and say,
'Would you like me to try right now?'

If I wanted this plan to work, I needed a little fear to keep some in line.

It was beginning to get dark but I didn't care, I promised I would answer their questions. It was 1AM and only a few remained, I of course didn't need sleep but I worried Deecon needed his rest.
"Most have given up because of the time, only a few remain. Why don't you head home and I'll meet you shortly?" I whisper to him.
He puts his hand on my knee, "I actually don't feel that tired lately."
I tilt my head, examining his face, he actually didn't show many signs of exhaustion. How much of my star did I give you? I still feel just as powerful.

The last person steps in front of me, I could clearly see how tired they were.
I could almost feel the pain in their feet from standing all day.
I stand up from my chair and place it in front of them, I nod to it and they slowly reach for it. As soon as their weight was pushed into the strength of their arms, they collapsed into the plush chair.
"What is your question?" I smile.
He looks up and clasps his hands together,
"My mother taught me about Starzithians from the books on Lower... Is it true you can erase memories?... Because I need you to help my partner." He begins to weep.

I haven't been asked that, everyone has been so focused on their status here on Sky or how my plan for Lower is going to work, a few about my powers but not a deeper one into my kind's history of ripping memories.

I kneel down to him, "What is wrong with your partner?"
He wipes his tears, "We were a part of the group you saved from the Darus Devils who stole our wristbands and kept us captive... she was their favorite amongst the women... she was raped by at least ten men a day while we were held there... you healed her physically but the mental torture keeps her up for days.. She doesn't even attempt to eat.. She tells me she wants to die... Can you take those memories out?"

The Book of Gemma -Apocalyptic Fantasy Romance-Where stories live. Discover now