Now, among family and doing this all of his own free will, he was a predator. A predator in his element.

All of this possible death, all of this had made her more reminiscent, cautious–because anything could happen in the coming days.

She turned a little on the log, rough bark digging into the apex of her thighs, to quickly scan Bella who was immersed in the show of power. She took a deep breath, aware all three of her mates could see and hear the nerves suddenly assaulting her. Aro's hand twitched, she could see it, but he didn't touch her.

"Hey, um...Bells?"

Her sister nodded offhandedly, still taken in by the sight of the combat with the same attention she only showed to things like Gossip Girl.

Nora smiled lightly, but still her voice was quiet and warbling, "Have you spoken to Renée recently?"

She wasn't 'mom.' Not to Nora. She hadn't done enough for her or Bella in their short lives, in Nora's books, to earn the affectionate title.

Bella was still absorbed, so initially her reply was a distracted, "Yeah."

And then it dawned on her, exactly what her sister was asking and she stuttered in surprise, twisting uncomfortably along the elm to see her, face–to–face. Because Renée and Nora had never had a good relationship–and Nora never asked after her. Just like their mother never asked after Nora.

"Um," She regrouped, feeling the added pressure on her as the kings volleyed their attention between them, innately curious.

Aro knew, to some extent, how Renée and Nora felt about each other. But Nora's thoughts over her never ran deep. She never allowed herself to think of the woman who didn't love her like she should.

It couldn't be stopped, the way all three leaned closer though they didn't even need to, and Bella tried her best to ignore them, playing off her awkwardness as just the...normal amount she felt every day. Nora was patient, and Bella appreciated that as she racked her mind for the right words. "I spoke to her last night."

"Oh...good. How is she?" The question was formal, hollow, a slight note of disappointment. Nora didn't know why she wanted her mothers affection after going her whole life without it, why she cared if she bothered to ask about her...and yet it still stung when she didn't. It probably always would.

"Still settled down in Jacksonville. Phil's on the road a lot so, she's pretty lonely. Actually..." Bella scratched her head awkwardly, "I'm supposed to be going and seeing her in a couple days. After the battle. Carlisle and Esme gave me the tickets for my birthday, I just...never got around to using them."


Bella winced.

Nora sounded small again. Like she was back to being her child self, back to being critiqued and scolded for her every move. Back to being made to feel like nothing she did would ever be good enough. Back to remembering the sharp disappointment when nothing incited a proud smile, a passing 'I love you' or 'well done, sweetie.' Not even a motherly hug. Nothing. Renée, to Nora, was the embodiment of stone cold.

Bella had always guessed that Nora was the subject of their mothers harbored resentment because she reminded her so much of herself. She reminded their childish mother of the youth she was quickly losing, of the spirit she used to have–and she couldn't stand to see it in someone who looked so much like her. In someone who encapsulated all of her regrets.

It had always been different, with Renée and herself, and Bella had no idea why. Maybe it was because she never talked back like Nora did, never scolded their mother–and while both sisters had to look after her, Nora was almost a mirror for Renée. In her sternness, she changed the tables: a child the parent, parent the child. It was how it had always been. And she, their immature guardian who should have never had children to begin with, couldn't stand to see herself that way.

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