"...How do I know you won't betray me?" Osmond blinked at Iva's words.

Betrayal... at such a young age? Just what did you endure little one? Osmond thought as he smiled softly. "Lass, I am a knight of Larum. Death would find me before I could do so much as consider betrayal. Through broken iron and shattered cobalt, my word shall stand."

Osmond spoke one of the pillars of honor he grew fond of. He could still reminisce about the wonders of the past. Though it felt like ages now, Osmond would never forget the unknown knight who spoke the very same words before departing to war. He never knew what happened to him, but Osmond swore to uphold those words even now.

He tried to bring hope back into those eyes. Any semblance of innocence she once held. Sadly, it had a reverse effect. "L-Larum? D-did you s-say L-Larum?? A-as in-!!!" Iva's face was twisted into horror when her gaze landed on his insignia. It was as if it was the first time she recognized that foreboding seal.

"L-lass?" Osmond, alarmed at the sudden fear in her eyes. "Are you al-"

"I-I'm fine! I-I'm... fine. Y-you can let me down now; I will walk back from here." Iva said as she avoided his eyes.

"Lass I said this already, I-"

"N-no! I-I mean... it's ok now! I c-can walk back on my own so please put me down." Iva insisted.

Suspicion stirs within Osmond as Iva avoids his gaze. It was akin to a scoundrel caught red-handed in the act, but Iva had done nothing of the sort. It didn't make any sense to Osmond as he began to observe. "Lass I promised my liege, Elias Le Larum, to escort you to safety. There is no need to-"

Through trained eyes and careful observation, Osmond saw the little girl's pupil shrink. Iva did a commendable job of keeping her nerves under control until now, but in the end, she was still just a child. "Let me down now!" Iva shrieked in pure panic as it caught Osmond by surprise.

"C-calm down lass. What seems to be the-"

"No! Let go of me! Let go of me now!" Iva squirmed relentlessly from his grip like a captured Tresvin. Osmond was at a loss at what to do when a new voice suddenly called out to them.

"Iva?" The two turned as Iva desperately cried.

"Sister Ivy!" Iva cried as she frantically tried to reach out to her.

"W-what are you doing to her?! Unhand her now!" Ivy shouted suddenly, causing even Osmond to move in instinct.

"W-wait I think this is a misunderstanding, I-" Osmond could not finish his words as Iva ran like an injured Tresvin into Ivy's embrace. Her small frame trembled as if she had barely just escaped from a wild monster as the nun, Ivy, shielded her as if he would harm them.

Osmond felt a slight pang of injustice ripple across his heart beneath those gazes. The two stared back at him with fear in their eyes. Eyeing him as if he was going to murder them. It frustrated the cobalt knight, but he could do nothing.

He did not even know what he had done, but he was already branded as a danger in their eyes. "Erm, w-well since little Iva there is back. I will leave her in your care, sister." Osmond said as he gave a polite bow before walking away.


The two watch silently as the figure of the cobalt knight slowly withdraws from their sight. As soon as they made sure he was gone, Ivy bolted directly back to the stone manor without pause nor hesitation. Randomly turning directions at nigh unpredictable times.

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