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Phoenix: "Is he?.." Unknown would fly up from the pit. Unknown: "I checked and..he's not breathing or has any signs of a heart beat.." Y/N: "Who did it?.." Phoenix would cry obsidian instead of tears. Wolfster: "Phoenix it's going to be ok.." Tigerest would mumble something.  Dragon Storm: "You said something?" Tigerest: "No?" Unknown: "Well..we are going to have a funeral for snow lake." Phoenix: "O-ok.."

{After everyone returned to the house.}{Y/N was calling the school to tell them they will need a few more days off because of a friend/snow lake was dead}

The school: "We are sorry that was to happen to you and your friends. Do take as long as you need till you feel better to return to classes." Y/N: "We will thank you for your time" Mean while with everyone else. Everyone else was telling April what has happened to snow lake as he wasn't going to miss school to go to the freezing mountains. April: "Oh..I'm sorry Phoenix for your lost.." Phoenix: "It's fine.." Tigerest: "Well that what happened in the place.." Unknown: "Well I found this at the place" Unknown grabs her backpack and pulls out the katana. Phoenix: "Who's katana is that?.." April: "May I see it?" Unknown: "Yup. Here you go" Unknown gives April the katana. April would examine it. April: "Huh.." Phoenix: "Is something wrong with it?" Tigerest would take one look at the katana and then hide behind Dragon Storm again. Dragon Storm would slightly blush. Wolfster: "That katana doesn't look like it part of any side" Y/N would walk in. Y/N: "Is very thing ok?" April: "Well it's hard to say but I think this katana owner is a mix of spirit sides" Y/N: "What?-" April: "When the leader has chosen a side of a war between angels vs. demons their weapons change. For those who chose demons they would have red swirls surrounding it. For angles it would be be swirls surrounding it but colored white. For leaders it's different but this one has red..and white." Wolfster: "Wait so the owner of the katana is a mix of a clan with the demons and a mix of the angels?!" April: "Thats the only way the katana would look like this" Phoenix: "So a mix spirit KILLED MY BROTHER?!" Wolfster: "Phoenix calm down.." Unknown: "Wait so who made this weapon? They could tell us who did it"

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