Finding the cure

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Dragon Storm:Ok now what do we do now we are in?
YN:How do I turn back to normal??
Wolfster:You need to imagine your human body
Phoenix:I say we split up✨
Tigerest:Ummm idk 🤷‍♀️
Wolfster:Well if we want to cover more ground we should split up but YN should stay with someone.
YN:Well who knows this place better because I don't want a get lost
Dragon Storm:Well Phoenix and I might know a bit about this place since we bin here before
YN:I'll go with you
Dragon Storm:Ok I guess...
Tigerest:YN one thing Dragon Storm still having issues trusting you
YN:Oh ok
Phoenix:Let's split up now!
Wolfster:Fine inpatient bird
Soon when everyone had a plan they split up
With Wolfster
Wolfster mind:Where would the cure or the thing to get rid of the goo be at?
Wolfster hears someone coming near so he hides behind a wall.
Guard 3:Who is there!
Wolfster:Behind you..
Wolfster shoot the guard with his gun
Wolfster:It won't take long until the other guards find out we are here.
With Phoenix
Phoenix:This place is massive!
Guard 2:Who are you?!
Guard 2 hold his sword at Phoenix
Phoenix:Chill out I'm just exploring✨
Guard 2:well your exploring is over! Now come with me!
Guard 2 grabbed Phoenix hand
Phoenix:Oh well
Suddenly the guards hand got on 🔥fire🔥
Guard 2:AHHHH
Phoenix:Forgot to mention I am a bird of fire!
The guard soon burn to ashes
Phoenix:That was easy!
With Tigerest
Tigerest:I wonder what are we even looking for. For all I know it's something important-
Tigerest hides behind a rock because she sees two guards guarding a glowing door
Tigerest mind:What are they guarding??
After a bit both guards leave
Tigerest mind:Ok this is my chance to get in
Tigerest opens the door and gos in

(A lazy drawing)Tigerest sees a note 📝Tigerest:Whats this???The note had words on it and black goo but Tigerest didn't see the black gooTigerest starts to read the note:We have released the black goo to take over all clans because no one trust us...

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(A lazy drawing)
Tigerest sees a note 📝
Tigerest:Whats this???
The note had words on it and black goo but Tigerest didn't see the black goo
Tigerest starts to read the note:We have released the black goo to take over all clans because no one trust us and so we are just playing our part. This plan is perfect! Especially that us demons CANT get infected!!! I know this plan will work perfectly! But there a problem! As long as leaders of Dragon, Bird, Wolfs, and the pesky CATS💢🤬 they will find a way to cure the infected by being back their good time memories!
Tigerest smiled and left the room with the note to find the others with out knowing she might be infected

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