What happen to the old leaders?.....

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Tigerest:Umm not sure-
Phoenix:Welp I don't know-
Dragon Storm:I guess they quit??
Tella:You guys didn't ask what happened to the old leaders?
YN:I'm actually now curious.
Dragon Storm:We can ask Wolfster. Say where is he about now?
YN:Um I forgot to do but the doctors called me and said he might have to stay there for a few...Day?...
Unknown:Dam the healers here are soo slow-
{A bit later}

Phoenix:WAIT YOUR THE-Unknown:Yup

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Unknown:Yup. The library person.
Tigerest:How do you make yourself look older?
Unknown:My brother and I found a way to make a potion that makes you seems older. It only holds for 10 hours.
Dragon Storm:ok?
April:How did you hide your wings-
Unknown:Well some clans are slowly developing the ability the disappear their wings,ears,tail and instead have the body parts of humans.
Phoenix:say do you know what happened to the leaders that came before me,Tigerest,Dragon Storm, and the wolf?
Unknown:Almost every clan knows why. Do you not?

{Years ago. Btw Unknown is the narrator}

Years ago when our world has never heard of the black goo all clans even the demon clans were at peace. But it didn't last for long..Soon rumors spread that a clan was to end this peace. Clan leaders decided to make a meeting to see what can be done to calm their clans from the rumor. There was some talking on what to do, and what not to do to make the rumors true...But it was to late...The one who was plotting to end the peace time was no other but the demon clan...They attack when the meeting was happening. Some leaders left while the rest fight the clan. Some leaders were hurt. Making them leaving just 4 leaders to defend themselves. The cat,wolf,bird, and dragon leader. They fought and fought but they were just 4 vs the whole army of demon clan. They actually won that fight but...They were badly hurt.....but....there was a betrayal after words..No one knows who it was but it said that one of them killed the rest and killed them self afterwards, or ran off..we are not sure because their lifeless body's were found in different places...

{back to now}

Phoenix:So there might have bin a traitor who killed the rest of them?
Unknown:Unfortunately yes.
Dragon Storm:So we can't visit the old leaders or anything like that right?
Unknown:Well with a bit of magic of my and some potions I think I could do something like that.
Phoenix:Wait so what happened to the leader of angels?-
April:The leader was my mom who is now queen of all good clans. If anything happens to her I'll take the throne...
Tigerest:Oooohhhh ok

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