🔥Phoenix🔥 pov

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Hello I am daisy and my life is FALLING APART! All my best friends went missing!! Mark, crystal, and the one who PROMISED to stay with me! Allen lied! He promise to stay next to me but next thing I know HES MISSING!!!
Mom:Is not his fault.
Mom:He didn't mean to go missing!
Daisy ran out of the room as fast as she could!

Daisy:HE PROMISED!Mom:He didn't mean to go missing!Daisy:IM LEAVING!Daisy ran out of the room as fast as she could!

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Daisy ran to the volcano near by. When she got there she looked down at the lava below her.
Daisy:The lava aways made me feel at home
She sat by the lava for a while. Then after a while she saw a glowing thing in the lava.
Daisy:What is that??
Glowing thing:Come the lava will not hurt you
Daisy:great now I'm going crazy!
Glowing thing:All your friends followed me to get a new life and to see each other again...
Daisy:fine it's not like I have anything else now
Daisy got up and stared at the lava.Daisy took a deep breath and jumped in the lava! When she went through the lava she saw that the lava was covering a secret base!
Dais:wow what is this
Daisy took a closer look at the glowing thing

Daisy:you look like a Phoenix my favorite animal that used to fly around and help to calm down wild fire!Glowing thing:yes I am! But there is someone you must meet!Daisy follows the glowing thing deeper in to the base

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Daisy:you look like a Phoenix my favorite animal that used to fly around and help to calm down wild fire!
Glowing thing:yes I am! But there is someone you must meet!
Daisy follows the glowing thing deeper in to the base.
Daisy:uh hi? Who are you?
???:I can help you see all your friends again
???:yes but le—
Daisy:I don't care please I want to see them again please!!!
The glowing thing would land on the unknown persons hand and turned to a necklace.
???:once you put it on you will back out and the rest is up to you. Understand?
Daisy:Yes I do!

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