The story begins

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The next day
Tigerest:So what are we doing today??
Dragon Storm:idk
Phoenix:April said that we meet here
Wolfster:For what?
Phoenix:I think it's about the journey we are going to go through to get the cure
YN:Wait today?!
Tigerest:We don't know
April:Hello so I heard that the cure might be in a place all on fire and the sky is red do to the fire!
Everyone looked at each other.
Tigerest:W-well can you explain what the place even is?
April:Yes. That place is well the devil teams world. They made the infection so they have to have the cure to it.
Dragon Storm:Ohhh...
Phoenix:So that was the—-
Tigerest covered Phoenix's face with a pillow.
Tigerest:Ok guys um let's go!
April:Uhh ok?
Every left the room.
Dragon Storm:Oh my god Phoenix and I step foot in the Demons teams world!!
Phoenix:I just realized that and now I'm panicking!!!
YN:Why is it so bad stepping in the their world?
Dragon Storm:They will want to kill you if you step in to their world! But luckily we are out of that place and are s—-
YN:What's wrong
Tigerest:Oh so who hit Wolfster with the fire ball was...
Phoenix:A DEM—
Dragon Storm:SHUSH!
Wolfster:Oh my god-
Tigerest:Oh look at the time um we really need to go get the cure and all hehe umm like NOW
Dragon Storm:Yes let's go!

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