🐺Wolfster pov🐺

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Hello I am Allen and recently two of my best friends went missing. We used to be a group of 5 but now we are down to two. Two went missing and the other.... well passed away sadly to a car crash. One of my friends mark was upset about it and yet our other friend crystal went missing. Then mark just disappeared! We told him to met us at the park near the mountains he might have thought we went to the mountains. I feel that is me who made him go missing... My last best friend try's to make me feel better but I don't feel better. I guess this is how mark felt like...
Daisy: It's not your fault Allen!
Allen: But what if it is?!
Daisy:Is not! We still have each other!
Daisy:Come down!
Daisy:we are the last left of the team! Every one in town knows us as the wild team! We might not be much of a team right now but we are still best friends!
Allen:true. Thanks daisy for making me feel better.
Daisy:no problem!

I can tell she tried her best to make me feel better but I just didn't feel better

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I can tell she tried her best to make me feel better but I just didn't feel better...
Allen:I'm going to the woods for a while
Daisy:are you sure? I don't want to lose you as well...
Allen:I will be back I promise
Daisy:Ok be safe!
Allen walked to the forest in hoping to feel better.
???: Hello Allen
Allen:w-who's there?!
???:Do not fear me
Allen would turn back and saw yellow glow

???: Hello AllenAllen:w-who's there?!???:Do not fear meAllen would turn back and saw yellow glow

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Allen:what are you?
Yellow glow:a chance to change your life if your follow me~
Yellow glow:Why?
Allen:I promise to go back with daisy!
Yellow glow;but you will be able to see your other friends who went missing!
Allen:how? That's not possible! Unless you took them!
Yellow glow:I didn't it was someone else. If you come he will explain what happened.
Allen:Fine but I'm not excepting to change my life ok!
Yellow glow:fine. Now come with me
Allen follows the yellow glow deeper in the forest.
???:Hello Allen I see you choose to have a new life?
Allen:no I came for answers!
Yellow glow:he didn't want to except the offer.
???:how come?
Allen:I don't what to leave daisy all alone! Now tell me what I came for!
???:fine. Your friend had a bad life so I gave them a new life.
Allen:but their lives were perfect!
???: crystal-she had to choose between her triplets
Mark-depressed and sad
Allen:...They felt like that?...
???:yup. And you have depressed just like mark! The choice to be with mark and crystal but leaving daisy just like crystal.
???: Face it you want a new life don't you!
The yellow glow thing landed on the unknown persons hand and turned to a necklace.
???:If you take the necklace you will have a new one but be were that once you put the necklace on you will black out and have a new life so what do you say?
Allen mind:I'm so so sorry daisy! I'm so sorry!!

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