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Phoenix:How he knows our name?!?!
Wolfster:It's how does he know our nam-But good question!
???:Is crystal with you guys?..
Wolfster:Ok ok so who are you before we say anything!
Phoenix:You aren't mark, mark is human so-
Wolfster: Phoenix! We were and sorta still is human!
Phoenix:Ohhh yaaaa, but what proof do you have that your mark?
Mark:Daisy mostly aways fall when going after the ice cream truck-
Phoenix:Hehe true!
Wolfster:Anything else?
Mark:You spend some of your free time reading books-
Wolfster:So does everyone-
Phoenix:Well I aways wanted to burn them-
Mark:You aways wanted to do so-
Phoenix:Books are lame!
Wolfster:They are not-
Phoenix:I guess your mark?
Wolfster:Then why are you underneath of a rocks shadow?-
Mark:Because I want to?..
Phoenix:Dibs on breaking the rock!
Wolfster:Well back to the "weird dragon" part. What does that mean?
Mark/Dragon Storm:Well I'm now known as Dragon Storm...or the weird kid...
Phoenix:How come?
Dragon Storm:I sorta don't have horns but..
Wolfster:But What?-
Dragon Storm:I don't really know either..

Dragon Storm walks away from the shadow of the rock

Wolfster:Where are your horns-
Phoenix:And What are those?!-
Wolfster: Phoenix!
Dragon Storm:...
Phoenix:Ok ok ok!
Dragon Storm:Alright so why are you guys looking for me?..
Wolfster:Our teachers said to do so or we may never be anything but a omega or something like that-
Phoenix:For me they said I would be kicked out or a fruit gather. I would rather be kicked out! But finding mark is better.
Wolfster:Let's just head back now-
Dragon Storm:But dragon aren't allowed to leave these mountains until they are 18 years old-
Wolfster:I mean i think that's ok? But what now?
Dragon Storm:I could ask my teacher-
Phoenix:Ok then go go go!!
Dragon Storm:Wait-

+Phoenix just dragged Storm down the mountain while Wolfster runs after them trying to catch up with them+

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