Where are who?

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Tigerest steps in the room where a hunter of animal spirits and YN in it.

YN:Umm hello guys...
Dragon Storm:What's happening?
Hunter:Your friend here is suspected to have to do something with animal spirits. I am here to find out if it is true or not!

The hunter looks at Tigerest's arm and sees the wound bleeding very little.

Hunter:Miss are you ok? You ar—
Tigerest:UM IM FINE-
Dragon Storm:Look we are pretty sure YN has nothing todo with animal spirit thing.
Hunter:Are you positive?

Then Wolfster steps in to the room in his human form

Wolfster:Ugh...I just came back..What's happening??

It was clear Wolfster wasn't fully healed but still came by.

Hunter:Well I'll be on my way...But remember that summer break is almost over so start getting your stuff ready for that...

After words the hunter leaves the apartment.

Phoenix:What did he mean about summer break?
YN:Well it's a time when there is no school for a few months. I think? I never bothered to see how long it is but uhh...Not sure you are ready for school...

Then Tella came in to the room

Tella:What's happening?
Tigerest:Not sure to be honest.
Wolfster:Well school sounds like something we do..in our clans...+coughs+
Tella:Why is he here? Should he instead still be with Unknown?
YN:Well school is tomorrow so...
Dragon Storm:Why does this "school" should lame?
YN:And let's just say school is where you meet uhh..Enemies?....

The legendsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang