chapter 66 Eri new mentor

Start from the beginning

Izuku:alright I'm sorry i made you give her your number

Tsuyu:damn right your sorry kero

Izuku:not as sorry as your gonna be when I give you this

*Izuku gave tsuyu a bag smilight smugly, tsuyu took the bag and looked inside it before looking at izuku with an unamused expression on her face making izuku's smile get bigger*

Tsuyu:I'm not using this Kero

Izuku:ah, ah, ah, a deals a deal my sweet little frog queen I'm doing the dishes for a month now wear it

Tsuyu:.  .  .i want you to know i hate you Kero

Izuku:i love you too now go on you know where the changing room is

*Tsuyu walked away to the changing room while izuku cackled to himself after a bit tsuyu walked out and izuku put his hands over his mouth*

*Tsuyu walked away to the changing room while izuku cackled to himself after a bit tsuyu walked out and izuku put his hands over his mouth*

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Izuku:oh my God how are you so cute?!

Tsuyu:i see one flash or hear one click of your phone Camara and Kero

Izuku:oh honey...

*Izuku walked up to tsuyu and hugged her waist making her gasp a bit*

Izuku:why would i ever take a photo when a picture can't compare to the real thing this is something i want to enjoy for myself

*Izuku said softly as tsuyu hid her face on his chest*

Tsuyu:magneto, you're so cheesy....i love it and i love you...

Izuku:i love you too...

That's enough fluff back to Back to eri

*We see nejire and Eri drinking a cup of coffee, nejire puts her cup down and start the conversation*

Nejire:did i turn a blind eye to izuku Midoriya....yes unlike some i won't deny that but what would you have me too instead? Fight along side him? Tsuyu did that and look what it got her, she lost her hero career, her family, her friends everything for that man

*Nejire raised her hand before Eri could interject*

Nejire:now I'm not saying that's a bad thing if she's happy with the decisions she made then more power to her but I'm not her i didn't love izuku hell i barely knew him, your holding me and everyone else to a higher stander then is necessary izuku's old friend they you can hate they should've known better, toshinori Yagi? Yes, my idiot mirio togata? Absolutely, but me? But the children you're age? People who've never met izuku and made there decision by the news they consume?, That's not very fair now is it?

Eri:i....i guess not...

*Eri mumbled to herself she jumped a bit when nejire grabbed hold of her hands and gave her a soft smile*

Nejire:you don't have to forgive them Eri I'm not asking for that I'm not even doing this because i feel guilty because quite honestly? I don't it wasn't my problem so i didn't get involve Do i regret it? A little but that's neither here nor there, I'm here asking you to be my apprentice because i see great things in your future you can finish the dream your father once had and save people with a smile i just want to help you achieve that dream faster will you let me help you?

Eri:i....i guess...yes...yes please i could use the help of the number 2 pro hero

*Nejire smiled brightly and jumped across the table to wrap Eri up in a hug*


Nejire:I'm sorry you want me to what?

*We see nejire in her pro hero office with mirio and toshinori on the other side of the table*

Toshinori:to take little Eri under your wing

Nejire:uhu, and why would I do that? Don't get me wrong i think Eri has a bright future but her mother is a hero, her aunty is a hero, her mother's friends are pro heroes she has more then enough options for mentorship why would I give my time to her and not someone who might need it more?

Mirio: because she needs someone like you my love, someone who's not biased with the Midoriya scandal and who better then you? you want me to clean your mess is that it?

Toshinori;what? No of course not we just thought that you would be the perfect candidate to train her in to the hero she's supposed to be

Nejire:....mirio I'll do it on one condition

Mirió:of course darling just name it and I'll do it

Nejire:i need you to promise me that this has nothing to do with you two trying to fix your mistake, and i mean really promise, i want you too look me in the eyes and promise on the rings we have on our fingers promise me on our marriage that you're not just using me to get something out of it and this is only to help little eri

*Mirio looked at toshinori and then at nejire before nodding and looking her wife on the eyes*

Mirió:honey i promise you, we just want what's best for her

Nejire:.....fine I'll ask if she wants to become my apprentice now both of you get out i have a mountain of paperwork to do

*Toshinori and mirio walked out once they were out of the building mirio passed his hands threw his hair*

Mirio:i can't believe i just lied to her like that

Toshinori:i know I'm sorry you had to do that but it's for the greater good once she convinces Eri to take OFA everything will set in to place and things will be a lot better

Mirio:i hope your right

Toshinori:i know I'm right this is what I need to do, to get the quirks forgiveness so the pass users can forgive me and go back to talking and helping we need to give the quirk to Eri this must be why they blocked my memory of them a final challenge i must overcome

Mirio:ok....ok then i will help you since having this quirk isn't really all that useful when i can only use your super strengh, unlike Midoriya who could use every previous user's quirk

Toshinori:i know and i have full faith that Eri will be able to do the same

*Both went there separate ways now knowing the previous users are watching over then and they are not pleased, no sir not pleased at all*

To be continued or on Patreon

Special thanks to:

Ben knight


Jacob Mooe



nT_wolf 0


Ayham Alqaissi

José Ruiz Dé Austri

George Alves

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy

Jameil fluker




Thank you again for the donation

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