Chapter Sixteen: The Fires of Hope

Start from the beginning

Percival: "You'll have to try harder than that if you want to kill us you foul creature!" All of a sudden Killian had felt a sharp pain in his right side; he looked over to see Owin ripping his silver blade from his waist. "You should keep an eye on your surroundings, monster!" Killian snarled as he backed away looking at the wound in his side, which was slowly bleeding out.

Killian: "Damn this wound hurts like hell, it feels like it's on fire and it doesn't look like it'll heal anytime soon either." He looked back over at Owin. "Curse that sliver blade of yours Slayer! It seems I'll have to go all out in this battle to ensure my survival." Killian again changed forth, slashing at both Owin and Percival. The attacks were picking up speed and were getting much harder to deflect.

Percival: "If we keep this up we'll run out of energy before he does, Owin, I need you to keep him busy while I prepare a spell!" Percival then jumped backwards and held his sword upward towards the ceiling. Owin continued to parry the incoming attacks as Percival started to chant his spell. "Monster within in my sight, you shall not win this night, Gods that bless this fight, destroy my enemy with Archangel's Light!" All of a sudden a bright blinding light exploded forth from Percival's greatsword quickly filling the room blinding everyone. The sound of screaming could then be heard, but it was unclear who it was coming from exactly. The light had soon faded and everyone's vision slowly returned, but what had happened when the spell was casted isn't at all what the heroes were expecting. The screams had come from Percival and the cause of them was Killian, who now stood right in front of him with his large razor-like claws piercing the knight's chest. Killian stood there watching as the life drained from Percival's eyes, not noticing Owin whose sword was slicing through the air right at him.

Owin: "Slayer Art, Form Eight, Vampire Rend!" His silver sword came flying down faster than the eye could see, slicing clean through the fingers of Killian's left hand. It took him a moment to realize what had happened, but when he did he backed away in agonizing pain while Percival fell to the ground hard. Owin quickly turned his attention to his friend kneeling down beside him, he was motionless but still alive. "Percival! Don't you dare die on me now!" He then pulled a bottle out of his pocket. "Here drink this, It's a healing potion!" He pushed the bottle at his lips forcing him to drink it while at the same time ripping the severed claws out from Percival's chest, who awoke a few moments later holding his wounds.

Percival: "What the hell just happened?" He looked up at Owin who was staring off in the distance. Percival too looked in the same direction and saw Killian standing there holding his left hand in pain. He then slowly stood up with Owin's assistance. "How is he still standing? Archangel's Light shines with the power of the sun, he should have disintegrated!"

Owin: "You have to take it easy Percival and let the potion do its work and your spell isn't lacking power if that's what you're thinking. Just at the last second Balthazar sent this wave of energy in front of Killian that nullified the effects and minimized the damage. I hate to say this but I sense that this battle is about to get a lot harder for us." Owin was right, what he sensed was Killian's rage building, he was starting to become incredibly angry.

Killian: "Gods damn you Owin! I'll kill you for that you bastard!" All of a sudden his eyes had turned a blood red as a crimson aura started to surround him.

Owin: "Damn it! Percival back away from him now, he's entered a blood frenzy!" Percival did as Owin commanded, backing away from Killian, his greatsword now in a defensive position. "This explains so much, how Killian is able to possess so many vampiric powers at once, he's a bruja, or at least Isis's attempt at making one." Blood was now leaking from Killian's eyes, he stared at Owin and Percival with murderous intent letting out a loud screeching roar. "Remember how I said leyak's can manipulate bad luck? First your spell ends up not working and now this!" Killian lunged forward slashing at the companions, meanwhile across the room Arwen was having her own trouble with Balthazar.

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