Chapter 28: Someone in his league

Start from the beginning

I always knew Sandra was the gossiping type, but I'd never seen this side of her. I can't believe she was doing this; it was like high school all over again.

Sandra was interrupted by the sound of the toilet flushing. Erin walked out of the toilet.

"Come on Sandra, we know she suffered a concussion," Erin said letting out a laugh. Her voice was almost sarcastic.

Sandra chuckled, returning her attention to me. "What is your deal with Mr Montenegro?" she asked.

"Sandra!" Maggie exclaimed walking out of the bathroom stool.

Erin and Sandra ignored Maggie as they continued their questioning.

"Come on, we've all seen how he is around you. First, he insisted that it was only you who cleaned his penthouse, and then you suddenly got a promotion. There are a lot of people who deserve that position more than you. People have noticed how he is around you. What do you have on him?" Sandra continued.

I tried to look as confused as possible. The shock I got from this situation was enough to make me look convincing.

They weren't completely wrong though. I had only managed to get all of this because I was lying. That feeling didn't sit well with me.

"I don't know what you are talking about," I whispered dumbfounded, my voice quivering.

"Don't play dumb, people notice how you are always wandering up and down to his penthouse. Are you sleeping with the boss?" Sandra finally concluded. She turned to Erin who looked at her equally as shocked.

I shook my head in denial. Maggie seemed to be the only one with some faith in me.

Before I could jump in for my defence, Erin interjected. "You should know that he is getting married to Ms Madison. It's official now. He'd never be with someone like you. You are just wasting your time. You might seem fun and exciting now, but he will eventually get bored and realize that you are not the one for him. He'll end up with someone in his league, guys like him always do." Erin chuckled.

I fisted my hands trying to hold back everything I was feeling. I held my fist behind me, just so they wouldn't see how affected I was by their words. I felt angry but mostly disheartened. A part of me knew they were right. Why would Tristan ever choose to be with me? I was just losing myself inside an illusion, an illusion that I had created.

"Just get that through your head. If you even think for a second you can separate them, I'll have you know that you are simply just being delusional." Erin continued.

Both Erin and Sandra laughed as Maggie looked at me pitifully.

I was on the verge of crying, but I managed to hold myself together.

"We are not being mean to you sweetheart; we just want the best for you," Sandra added.

Sandra turned to look at Erin before the two of them walked out of the bathroom.

I was left to my thoughts, replaying every word they had just said. Repeating it in my head didn't make it any easier to listen to.

Maggie touched my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I know that's not who you are, don't pay any attention to them," Maggie whispered. She patted me on the back with a sympathetic smile before walking out of the bathroom.

It hurt me so much because deep down I knew it was true. Not even Layla thought Tristan and I would ever be together. That's the reason why she wanted to find him a wife. She was only using me to help Tristan get away from Madison.

I should have just been honest with Tristan when I got my test results. I wouldn't be in this situation right now. Now things were spiraling out of control. It was time for me to accept that no matter what I did, Tristan was always going to end up with someone like Madison.

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