Chapter 12- Massacare

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Casey was in a room that was different then her allocated asylum room, it was white and fluffy on the walls and ceilings. It was safe.

"Well,well Casey Darling, I wonder what you will be like..if I make you suffer with a few crazy patients."
Mr.Blanks voice boomed through a speaker, Casey's ears buzzed.
"They won't kill you but..its part of the process." He added followed by a laugh.

Casey struggled in her strapped seat as workers pushed two asylum patients into the room.

"They look normal, we injected them with something that will make them..a lot like you. Meet your match. The drug will work just"

Metal bars around Casey's body opened, letting her go, she hopped off the chair watching the patients intently.

The patients growled at Casey and their bodies shivered, they had pale faces and their eyes were hollow.
Suddenly they ran at Casey, Casey jumped out the way and the patients hit the wall, they shook their heads and turned to face Casey who was clenching her teeth, her fists rolled.
She felt sorry for these patients but she couldn't let them live.

"Go on us what you can do." Mr.Blanks voice boomed.

The patients ran at Casey and both revealed knifes that shined against the light in the room.
"Kill!" They chanted, their voice empty and lifeless.

Casey jumped at one of them and with all her power ripped hair off their head.
The patient screeched in pain, Casey grabbed the knife and cut the patients head off.
Casey jumped off the patient who's head was on the floor but body moved for about 2 minutes before dropping.

"Watch watch." She heard Mr.Blanks say.

The next patient threw aimed their knife at Casey's head, she grunted as she moved out the way and Casey grabbed the knife, she has two knives now and Casey ran at the patient who screamed and ran at her too, when they met Casey had both knives in the patients stomach and the patient scraped their sharp nails across Casey's face making her scream in pain, blood smeared over her face, the patient backed away and pulled the knives off and threw them behind her, the patient approached Casey as normal, as if she never got stabbed.

"No." Casey murmured. Casey clenched her fists and ran at the patient making her fall over, Casey was on top of the patient now and Casey clenched her fists until they thumped with pain and Casey hit the patients chest several time until the patient coughed up blood, with all the strength the patient had left she strangled Casey and Casey gasped for breath, she gave a final blow at the patients chest and the patients hands dropped. She was dead.

"Stupid bitch" Casey laughed.

"You can't kill me."

"Yes we can. Forget slow killing, you wasted two of my patients.. I will kill you today."

Mr.Blanks laughed.

Casey scoffed "even if you kill me.."

"I am still here."

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