Chapter 8- Guns and Knifes

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The crowds was big, Casey saw a worker and ten patients walking towards the front office, Casey snuck into the crowd, one of the patients noticed her.

"What are you doing?" her voice was weak, she had loads of cuts and bruises on her arms and body.

"Nothing of your concern"
Casey answered

The girl didn't say anything back and just looked ahead. Casey stood up straight, her head was down.
The worker pushed patients through the door, where more workers were and a couch that patients were boarding.

Casey was last to be put through the door. "Casey Darling!!" Screamed the worker. The guards took their guns out and the dog started growling at Casey.

Casey had her knife at the workers throat, backing away.
"Don't shoot or I will slit her throat" Casey threatened. The guards lowered their guns at her threat.

"Let her go" said one of the guards his voice stern.

"That's the last thing I would do at this point." Casey replied and then laughed mechanically.

Casey looked behind her, the couch was gone then she turned back to the guards.

"Bye" Casey said before disappearing out of the guards site.
She stood outside and could hear the guards running. Quickly Casey slit the workers throat, blood emerged. Casey pushed the worker to the ground to die and ran quietly behind a tree among the other many trees.

"Find her!" Ordered a deep voice.
The one that Casey heard before..

Casey moved slowly but the guards saw her and put their guns up, they started shooting at the tree Casey was behind, Casey then ran out from behind the tree as fast as she could. She saw a metal scrap and picked it up, guarding herself from the bullets. The bullets hit the metal and bounced off hitting the guards, the guards fell to the ground in pain.

"You idiots!!" Screamed the deep voice that wasn't in Casey's view.

Casey ran protecting herself with the metal scrap.
Then she stopped as she felt thumps against the scrap of metal, 3 guards ran at her shooting at Casey at high speed.

Casey ran as fast as she could, she could hear the guards running after her shooting and the guard dog barking as it tried to catch Casey.

Casey ran a corner and saw a torture chamber. Casey ran behind it, searching for a weapon.
She found a gun that was in someone's coat, she checked the gun, good it's full.

"Where did she go?" Casey heard.
"Sniff her out" another voice said.

Casey heard the dog approaching, and the guards running after the dog data behind.

The dog saw Casey and jumped onto her, Casey pushing at the dog knowing if she didn't the dog would have her face.
Casey struggled but managed to blow a bullet into the dog, the dog whimpered then backed away, the dog fell to the ground.
Casey jumped out of her spot to see the 3 guards, their guns at the ready. Casey ran and shot each and everyone of them in the head, making them drop immediately, all their bullets missed Casey as she ran too fast.

The last guard was still shooting at her, he had a wound in his leg instead of in his head. Casey hid behind a nearby tree the bullets flying. Casey took her knife out and sharpened it up against the tree, the guard kept shooting but couldn't move because of his injury.

Casey came out from behind the tree and quickly and also very swiftly threw the knife, the knife flew through the air, cutting the wind and landed straight in the guards chest, the guard dropped his gun, and screamed.

"Fu--ck you!" Were his final words.

Casey ran to him and took his gun, which was covered in blood, Casey did the same with the others.

She looked around.

"Hello Casey" she heard the deep voice.

"Hello" Casey replied, calmness in her tone.

"You think you can escape? are very wrong."
Casey felt her face heat up in anger, her knife was in one hand and her gun was in the other.

"Who are you?" Casey asked, looking down at the floor

"Justice" replied the voice

Casey scoffed.
"There is no justice" said Casey.

Casey searched with her eyes steadily, where is the voice coming from? The Casey's eyes met with a camera that was focused on her.

"Bye" Casey sung.

"Yes we will meet again.." Said the voice before Casey shot the camera and the speaker.

Casey stood in a field, surrounded by tall trees, she turned to her left, more trees, she turned to her right, a long road.

With her gun and knife.. Casey walked into her future, her hope.

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