Chapter 6- A murder of revenge

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Casey eyed Dr.Xands movement. He walked away from the door and sat down behind his desk. Along one side of the room was a large book case filled with books to the brim. The room was stuffy because of the carpet and books.

Casey shuffled.
"Who's there?"

Dr.Xand peering around the room for a explanation.

"Me" whispered Casey through the vents.
"Casey Darling" replied Dr.Xand who crept towards the vent where he heard Casey's voice.

He opened the vent.

Casey screeched "Hello and Goodbye!!" Before jumping into the room and smashed a chair over Dr.Xands head, blood dribbled from Dr.Xands head as he paced towards the door for escape.

But before he could turn the handle and open the door, Casey jumped onto of him and plunged her knife into his throat. Dr.Xand coughed up blood, the blood had clots and his eyes screamed in terror but his voice was silent.

Casey pulled the knife from the top of Dr.Xands throat to the bottom, opening it up. She got up and started at her dead victim, grinning.

She saw a fire place and coal and grabbed a giant piece of coal. Using her knife she crushed it into smaller rocks then stuffed Dr.Xands throat with the it. She then went behind Dr.Xands desk and raided the drawers until she found a pin and thread. She sewed up Dr.Xands throat messily. His throat now looked weird, as their was bumps and pointy things appearing on his skin.

Casey then held her knife above his eyes and picked them both out, opened his mouth and put his eyes in his mouth. Blood ran onto the carpet as Casey did this.
Next Casey carved her name into Dr.Xands forehead as if to carve her name into cement. She laughed to herself, proud of her work.

Then lastly she ripped his shirt open and cut open his chest to stuff coal inside again. She didn't see it up and left him on the carpet lying like that.

"This is a murder of revenge" she said and she got up returned into the vent, tucking her knife away after smearing extra blood on it onto Dr.Xands nose.

She crawled quietly down the vent making turns and more turns, where she really needed to go was to the front desk of the asylum, where it looked innocent, and out of the torture house.

Casey stopped in the vent after hearing her name passing another vent blinding.

"Casey Darling is crazy, she created a massacre in Dr.Xands room as we checked on him. He wouldn't answer the phone.

"We need to find her"

Said a deep voice that wasn't in Casey's view.

"We need to destroy her, she's not like the others, she's different, we let her live with punishment or not she will still end up killing more people"

Casey's face heated up in anger, who was this person? She needed to kill them and fast, it would be too dangerous to leave the asylum if this person followed Casey. She thought of a way.

No... When the time comes...

Thought Casey and she crawled away from ear shot and carried on down the dark vent..

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