"I miss him, Felix. Every damn day." She whispered, like she was afraid to admit the truth.

"I know." I scooted closer, pulling her into my side and she rested her head on my shoulder.

"I keep thinking... If only I had gotten the serum to him sooner..."

"Hey," I squeezed her hand. "There wasn't anything anyone could've done."

"I... I think I know that, but the guilt has just..." She stumbled over the words.

"Consumed you?" I chewed on my lip.

She nodded, trying to hold back tears, "Yeah."

I rubbed her back, "I know, hun."

Cally and I were both good at healing  things, me, plants and her, wounds. But I wasn't sure if either of us could heal what she was feeling on the inside.

Another Griever groan came from outside. It was louder... closer. I felt a cold chill go across my back.

"Hiro!" Amy cried, burying her face in my friend's side. Hiro did her best to quiet the kids.

I sighed and stood up, walking over to the entrance of the dining hall. The Glade was eerie... it felt vengeful.

That's when I saw it, a massive monster climb over the wall and land inside the Glade. It was a ball of gooey flesh in the center and mechanic spider-like legs protruding from the center. It opened it mouth, dripping with ooze and roared.

"Holy shit..." My face paled. I spun around, taking action where I could since I couldn't fight.

"Hiro, take the kids upstairs! Cally, grab knives, spears, anything you can from the weapons basement!" Hiro and Cally both ran off, doing what I asked.

"Here," Jack said. "Let's barricade the deck with the tables!" He lifted up one of the picnic tables and laid it on its side.

"Good idea," I started to help, dragging the bench into place. "Ah!" I winced, pulling the stitches in my side. That's right... I was still injured.

"Shuck..." A small trickle of blood started to fall down my shirt.

"Felix?" Jack asked.

"It's fi-" my voice cracked, still healing. "It's fine." I restated, sterner this time. I pushed past him and turned another table over.

I would not be helpless.

One by one, the tables were moved into place. It wasn't perfect, but it would buy us a few seconds if we needed it.

"Here," Cally said, handing me a throwing knife and a handmade spear.

"Thanks." She nodded and continued to distribute weapons.

All we had to do was wait.


We had turned out the lights, and did our best to keep each other quiet. But nothing could stop the fear from seeping in as we heard the screaming sobs of our friends getting attacked.

"Holy klunk..." Cally murmured, her eyes were wide with realization. "I don't have enough Grief serum for all of this..."

"Cally!" There was a long drawn out scream for Cally's name. I had to pull her back down to keep her from running.

"Cally! We need Cally!" It was Leah, she was dragging a person in by their ankles.

"Oh god..." Cally saw the situation before I could. "Hiro, hold Felix!" She screamed orders, pulling a picnic table out of the way.

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