Chapter 29: Þrymheimr

Start from the beginning

"Thrymheim." Loki's lips moved, but only a whisper escaped, his voice stolen by the sheer beauty of it all.

"Please be seated." Skadi's voice broke through Loki's reverie, her tone calm and composed. She gestured gracefully toward the cozy seats positioned by the crackling fire, inviting the three of you to take a moment to gather yourselves and find solace in the warmth of the hearth.

Thor sighed contentedly as he removed his gloves. His hands, numb from the freezing cold, were finally thawed by the comforting warmth of the crackling fire. He closed his eyes for a moment, relishing in the simple pleasure of feeling his frozen hands come back to life.

As the flames danced and flickered, casting a soft glow across the room, Skadi took her place in one of the armchairs. She sat quietly, her eyes fixed on you. Loki took your hand and led you to sit down in the double armchair next to Skadi and he sat down beside you.

As you settled into your seat, the silence between the four of you was palpable. It was as if the weight of the unspoken words hung heavy in the air. Loki, sensing the tension in the room, gently squeezed your hand to ground you, offering a reassuring presence.

"Please ask your questions." Skadi said, breaking the silence.

This was a momentous occasion for you, one that had been a long time coming. You had been curious about your heritage for over a millennium, and tonight, you finally got to ask the first question. But where to start?

"Who am I?" You began with a shaky voice. "I've spent my entire life wondering where I'm from, who my parents are, do I have brothers and sisters?" Skadi could see the genuine longing in your eyes, a longing she could relate to all too well.

"My name is Skadi and you are my daughter, Synnove. You are the princess and heiress to Vanaheim's throne. Your father is Njord, King of Vanaheim. You have a brother and sister named Freyr and Freyja."

"So I'm part of a royal family..." Your voice trembled.

"You are." Skadi smiled.

You chuckled awkwardly, but your smile faded quickly.

"So... Was I unwanted?" you asked, your voice trembling.

Skadi's winced a little but her expression softened quickly, and she reached out to gently place a hand on your arm. Her touch was comforting, grounding you in the present moment.

"Oh, dear daughter," Skadi said, her voice filled with warmth and affection. "Your father and I have loved you from the very start. You were very wanted. You were a gift from the sun."

Her words soothed the doubts and fears that plagued you for so long. However, confusion lingered in your mind.

"I don't understand," you admitted, the words escaping in a whisper.

"Your father and I had been trying to conceive for centuries, but we were never successful. It was a source of profound sadness and longing for both of us. We had tried every possible method, sought the help of the most knowledgeable healers and shamans, but nothing worked. It felt as if we were destined to live out our lives without children.

"That must have been difficult." Thor spoke up, his words filled with empathy. Skadi, her eyes downcast, silently nodded in agreement.

"Until one day, during one of his hunts, your father saved a woman's life from a wolf that chased her. The woman was grateful and asked your father what she could do for him. It was a moment of jest, a lighthearted remark, when your father jokingly asked if she could help us get a child. To our astonishment, it turned out that the woman he saved was no ordinary woman. She revealed herself to be the goddess of the sun and fertility. She witnessed our struggles and felt compassion for our plight. In her immense kindness, she blessed us with her divine power, promising us that soon, we would welcome our firstborn child."

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