Chapter 44

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A/N: I must warn everyone that this chapter contains spoilers from the Manga. If you don't read/haven't caught up to chapter 1058 I suggest holding off until so, unless you want to read it still, then I won't stop you! ^_^ enjoy!

P.S. to avoid any confusion, if you haven't already read the A/N chapter, I recommend doing so :)



"I'm swowy..."

"Ahhh! There's a limit to how much stupidity Well swallow!"

I grunted, turning my head slightly as I heard voices. Who the hell is yelling so loud...?

"WAHAHA! No one was hurt, don't be so hard on him."



"Careful, Boss! Never cross Nami when she's Mad!"

I heard a voice right next to my head speak up. With another groan, I began to flutter my eyes open. "Wha-What's going on...?" Once my eyes fully opened, all I saw was blue. After registering for a moment, I realized I was looking at the sky.

"SEE HOW TOUGH THE SUNNY IS?! A drop like that... and we only busted a small yard on the mast!"

Wait- the Sunny...? But- wasn't I in the castle after battling Kaido? I thought to myself, confused. Kaido... With a sharp intake of breath, I let out a gasp, flinging my self up into a seating position, holding the side of my head. "Kai-"

"Y/N! YOU'RE AWAKE!" A shout from beside me cut me off, just as I felt someone crash into the side of me, clutching my arm.

I turned my head to the side, glancing down at Chopper, the culprit behind the sudden shout. "Chopper?"

"WAAAAHHHH I WAS SO WORRIED!" Chopper shouted, crying into my arm.

I let out a sigh of relief, chuckling as I brought the hand that was on my head to pat his. "I'm fine Chopper, no need to worry."

"(Y/N!)!" I brought my head up to see Nami turned her head in my direction with relief. "Glad to see your awake!" She smiled, as I gave her one in return. "Now that you're awake..." She trailed off, pointing behind her. "TALK SOME SENSE INTO THIS IDIOT WOULD YOU?!"

Confused by what's going on, I looked to see she was pointing at a cage, where a beat up Luffy was in, pouting.

"Y/N... Nami's being mean...!" Luffy pouted, pointing back at Nami.

"MEAN?! YOU ALMOST GOT US KILLED!" She schreeched, baring her teeth.

I look over to Jimbei, giving him a confused look, "What's going on? And what happened while I was out, last I remember was fighting Kaido before..." I trailed off before gasping, "Is Kin'emon and the others okay?! And Momonouske-!"

Noticing my confusion, Jimbei cut me off and explained how Luffy managed to defeat Kaido and that Yamato and Momonouske stayed behind to protect Wano.

I let out a sigh of relief, looking up into the sky. "So we won huh..." I felt myself smile, feeling peace takeover my body. 'Wonder what'll happen now. Especially since we took down two of the four Emperors...'

"Look, we got new bounties!" I brought my gaze to Nami in interest as she walked down to where the rest of us were. They read:

Dr. Chopper The Cotton Candy Lover- 1,000 berries.

Navigator, Cat Burglar Nami- 366 million berries.

Musician, Soul King Brook 383 million berries.

Shipwright, Cyborg Franky 394 million berries.

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