Chapter 1

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"Didn't think he'd go through with it."

"That's a SUPER man right there!"

"I wasn't expecting this."


"Shouldn't we wake 'em up?"

I furrowed my brows together, curling into a ball from all the noise. Ugh why is everyone so loud...

"Awe~ How cute." I heard Robins voice, as she chuckled lightly.


I heard something hit the ground, before Usopp's voice. "SHH! You don't need to yell!"

I clenched my eyes before opening my eyes, looking at everyone. "What's with all the commotion, I'm trying to sleep here!"

"Good morning (Y/N)-San." Robin greeted, giving me a smile. "Don't mind them, they are just surprised is all."

I rose an eyebrow, confused. "Surprised? Surprised about what?"

She stifled a laugh, pointing in my direction. "Well by that, of course."

I went to get up to see what she was pointing at, when I felt something keep me in place. I turned my head to see what it was.




"WHAT THE HELL?!" I shouted in surprise seeing a certain rubber man sleeping beside me. I glanced down, now realizing that what held me in place, were his arms. What's going on, and why is Luffy here!?

I began to recall what happened last night. I felt heat rush to my face as I whipped my head to the others. We fell asleep out here... "I- Well, you see- We... uh-"

Usopp was rolling on the floor laughing, bringing me out of my scrambled thoughts. "Hey, what's so funny!?"

"So, you wanna tell us what happened here?" Robin asked, amusement written on her face. "I'm sure everyone wants to know."

I immediately got flustered. "Uh, yeah..." I began thinking of a way out. "The thing is-"

I was interrupted by Luffy as he moved, slowly waking up. Crap, what now? As my gaze met his, the sleep immediately left his face as he smiled. "Morning (Y/N)!"

"Hehe... morning..." I responded hesitantly, feeling the stares of the others.

"So Luffy, how'd it go?" Zoro spoke up, a shit eating grin on his face.

I looked back and forth between the two, confused at what they were talking about. "Shishishi! It went as you said it would, (Y/N) said she loved me back!"

I placed my hands on my face as it turned even redder, Luffy's grip tightening around me. "Don't go saying it out loud!"

"Does that mean you're a couple now!?" Usopp shouted, eyes wide at what Luffy said.

"YEOW!~ This calls for a celebration!" Franky shouted, striking his pose, Barto's crew copying him.

"Shishishi! Yeah, party!" Luffy shouted, throwing his arms into the air as some men brought out food, from I don't know where.

"HOW MARVELOUS! To think I'd get to see the future King of the Pirates and the Queen on my ship!" Barto exclaimed, eyes glittering with stars.

It wasn't long before everyone was eating and having a great time. I smiled at the craziness, before I heard footsteps approach.

"So you and Straw Hat-ya, huh?" I looked over my shoulder, seeing Law joining in. "Took long enough."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "What do you mean?"

He sat down, resting his sword on his shoulder. "I can tell by the way you look at him. Plus, I've noticed how much you'd worry about him and thought of him over these past 2 years."

I gasped as he ratted me out. "Was I really that obvious?"

He nodded his head. "Yeah. Though you were just as oblivious as that idiot over there was." I glanced over to Luffy as he danced with chop sticks in his mouth and nose.

I giggled as I watched him. "Yeah, but it all worked out in the end."


It's been about a week since we've set sail, and I'm getting used to Luffy's constant need to hug. I never pegged him as the type to be clingy, or show much affection, but I was wrong.

I glanced up slightly, seeing the sleeping face of my captain. I smiled as I moved a piece of his hair, taking in his features as my gaze locked on the scar under his eye. I've always wondered how he got that...

I brought my eyes back down, setting my head back to rest against his shoulder and chest. My face went blank as I looked at the huge X on his chest.

I recalled sitting in the room of Law's ship as Luffy was in a coma. The sight of all the machines attached to his body to keep him alive, and the pain on his face, coming to me as I mindlessly traced the scar with my finger.

I don't know how he does it, how he continues to smile and be happy. After something as traumatic as that, and having a constant reminder of what happened carved into his chest forever... it amazes me.

But that's one thing I love about him. I smiled to myself. His smile and bubbly aura just melts all my doubts and worries away.

"(Y/N)?" I blinked my eyes before glancing back up, my gaze meeting his as he was now awake. "Is something wrong?"

I took a moment, eyes locked with his, never tearing my gaze away as I shook my head. "No, just thinking how much I admire you."

He tilted his head, confusion written on his face. "What?"

I giggled as I sat up, facing him fully, and began to explain. "I admire you so much, ever since I met you actually. How your able to stay positive and still smile after all the stuff you had to go through... how you make me feel as if everything is going to be alright."

I paused for a second, closing my eyes, bringing him into a kiss. "So thank you."

It started to get foggy and the lookout said he saw something ahead, but it was moving.

"A moving mountain, let go see it!" Luffy exclaimed, running up, excited.

Usopp stopped him, grabbing onto his cheeks. "Are you crazy!? Here's a thought, how about we get out of this foggy maze asap! If we hit something we'll be capsized."

"Hang on, God..." Trafalgar spoke up. Wait- did he call Usopp 'God'?

"Awe you don't have to call me God, that's so nice... must be that 200,000,000, huh? Hehehe!" Usopp gushed, rubbing the back of his head as Franky loomed over him from behind.

"With a bounty like that, I'm sure the Navy's got on your trail now." Law informed Usopp as he held a hand up, ruining Usopp's moment of happiness. "Let's see, looks like the Vivre Card is pointing that way."

Law began explaining how Zou was hard to find because it literally moves. As we found the Sunny, we all stared at the giant leg in front of us. I glanced up, staring at the giant elephant that stood high into the air. We're here... Zou.

Published: 07/25/2022
Updated: 10/07/2023

Yeah, chapter 1 complete and we've finally reached Zou! Now things are getting serious as we start wrapping up the story, until more of One Piece is released.

From here on out, more of (Y/N)'s power and information about what happened to her mother since that fateful day 12 years ago will start to be revealed.

Also I've been thinking, should (Y/N) begin to develop some form of Haki? If so, what type of Haki would you guys like to see most?




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