Chapter 3

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"(Y/N)? What's wrong, don't you like the food?" I snapped back to reality hearing Luffy's voice.

I turned my head to stare at the man beside me. "Yeah, just thinking about something is all..." Why did Sanji leave all of a sudden, it doesn't make any sense.

I felt something like my face, causing me to bring my attention back. I see that Luffy was holding a piece of meat out, poking me with it. "You need to eat." I was completely baffled. Luffy is giving someone food...

"Uh- I'm fine, I'm not too hungry right no-"


I was cut short as we heard someone wailing outside. They ran in, with a cloud of dust blocking them as we all stared in confusion. When the dust cleared, I saw it was Brook, gasping for breath. Wait, how does that work when he doesn't have lungs...?

Brook stood up, clothes torn to shreds, as he sounded like he was on the verge of crying. "You'r- YOU'RE HERE!" He ran towards us, shouting in happiness as tears ran down his face.


"Awe~ joy! I read about your big battle, I'm so glad you're all okay!" Brook threw his arms around Luffy, sniffling. "I missed you!"

"What's wrong? You're all banged up?" Luffy questioned in confusion with his mouth full of good.

"Don't mind me, I'm sorry about Sanji! I feel like I've lost all face..." He bowed his head down, before whispering. "Not that I have one to begin with...!"

Brook gathered those of us who just arrived together and told us to not mention samurai around the Minks or Wano. He was about to explain why, when the door opened with a bunch of dogs drooling at the mouth. Brook screamed before he was attacked by them all. He's got it rough, being bones and all around dogs.

Chopper asked about where Law went when Nami spoke up. "He's fine, instead we need to worry more about Sanji!"

"He left you a letter, didn't he?" Zoro exclaimed, crossing his arms together. "This thing will work out one way or another."

"Nami. What exactly happened with Sanji?" I asked, knitting my brows together with a frown, getting to the point.

"Well... first, we ran into trouble when we were barely off the coast of Dressrosa. The Big Mom Pirates appeared on a huge singing ship..." Nami began to explain the events from their departure from Dressrosa, to the events leading up till now.


It was surely a lot to take in. Capone Bege, one of the worst generation, is working under Big Mom and they were after Caesar. They manage to escape, making it to Zou the next day.

As we were about to be informed about what took place here in Zou, a Mink appeared saying the Duke, the King of the Day, had awakened. Chopper went ahead to check up on the Duke before we followed Wanda to meet said man.

"You'll find there are many plants unique to Zou." Wanda stated, turning to look at us.

"What's wrong?" Usopp questioned out as she stopped walking.

"Your captain..." She started off as everyone turned behind them.

"Luffy, get back here!" I whisper shouted from out the window as he climbed a tree outside.

The others joined to see what was going on, "Look, grapes! They're everywhere! Check it out, you can drink from them!" Luffy exclaimed excitedly as he took his straw and drank from, yet another grape.

I face planted at his amusement with grapes. "I tried, but it was no use..." I sighed out as Usopp questioned how the feast wasn't enough.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, turning to see it was Nami. "It's Luffy after all." She sighed as well as Luffy hung upside down, laughing.

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