Chapter 28

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I glared at the men around as they laughed. I shifted my glare over to the girl as she breathed in more air, floating higher as she held a blow dart in her hand.

I wanted to shout about the incoming attack, but the cloth wrapped around my mouth was preventing me from doing so. The most I could manage to get out was a muffled noise.

I watched the needle shoot towards Luffy, who stood there with his eyes closed. As the needle was close to hitting, he tilted to the side, the needle passing his head and nailing into the wall.

I twisted my wrists around, attempting to loosen the rope as they began to laugh again.

"Oh, Katakuri is coming this way!"

I stopped what I was doing as I looked over to one of the men who was peering around the corner.

"He'll praise me!" The girl gushed, holding her hands over her cheeks with a big smile on her face. "I'm not ready for it yet!"

"Look at that, Flampe! The fawn stands up again!"

Flampe looked around the corner as Luffy stood back up, holding in a laugh. "Hey, don't make me laugh!"

"His legs are shaky!"

"Like a dawn!"

"Now, Katakuri is gonna win for sure!"

I wonder why... maybe cause of the stupid blow dart. I rolled my eyes at their pathetic remarks and insults. My ears perked as I heard heavy footsteps approaching.

"Of course! It's my perfect Big Bro's... perfect victory!" Flampe gushed, speaking highly of Katakuri. I couldn't help but to cringe, her admiration of her big brother is kind of unsettling... just in the short amount of time I've been stuck with her, she always says something about being praised by him.


Flampe smiled with a giggle at the sound of Katakuri calling her name.

"Did you do it?" Katakuri asked plainly, footsteps drawing closer. I began to step back as slowly as I can, hoping to not catch the attention of the others. His voice is too calm, almost deadly...

"That's right, Big Bro!" She flew in the air with a closed eyed smile, holding her arms out. "Big Bro!"

Katakuri stopped, glaring at the others. "What's so funny, you idiots?!" He took hold of his weapon, spinning it in his hand to where the pointed end was facing his torso, stabbing him self.

I let out a gasp of surprise, unable to blink as I tried to process what I just saw. Katakuri pulled it out, tossing it to the side acting as if nothing happened.

He then brought his hand up, taking hold of the cloth wrapped around his neck, removing it to reveal his mouth. "When men are fighting... don't patronize them!"

Flampe let out a shriek, falling back on the ground. "Stay away! Don't touch me!"

I took in the reactions of everyone as they saw what Katakuri looks like. Seems they had no idea. "If you wanna laugh at that silly shit..." He spoke up once more, "you're gonna have to laugh at me too!"


After Katakuri and Luffy clashing their Haki, I slowly slide down the wall to sit, which might I add is difficult with your hands tied behind your back. I looked at Flampe and the others knocked out on the ground, smirking. That's what you get.

I drifted my eyes back over to Luffy and Katakuri as they stood facing each other, not moving. Katakuri removed his jacket, raising his fists up as Luffy did the same. This, this will decide who the winner is... the final battle.

The two charged forward, raising their fists at each other. When they met in the middle, Katakuri landed a hit, however, Luffy stood his ground and stretched his fist and made contact.

I felt a shiver go down my back from the amount of Haki flowing out of the two. The two separated, immediately going in for another attack. I didn't like how big of a disadvantage Luffy was in, but chose to put that aside and decided to watch the outcome.

I couldn't help the worry that overtook me as I watched the mochi harden with Haki, covered in spikes with are being shot at Luffy. He manages to dodge them without any trouble, attacking again.

Katakuri throws a punch, fist forming from the mochi, landing a hit and knocking Luffy back some. I watched intently as he stood there and closed his eyes as Katakuri formed several fists, throwing them at Luffy, much like his Gatling attack.

I watched with surprise as he managed to dodge the incoming attacks, easily maneuvering around them as he progressed forward. He raised his leg to attack, but Katakuri immediately stopped his attack, blocking Luffy's leg with his own.

My eyes lit up in realization. Even though Katakuri is more advanced, Luffy is somehow able to see somewhat what attack is coming prior to it happening. By fighting Katakuri, his Observation Haki is improving.

Punch after punch. Kick after kick. Attack. Dodge. They went back and forth, neither letting up nor backing down. If he masters Observation Haki to the level Katakuri has, they will be evenly matched.

I looked over the two as Luffy staggered to stand back up, the two breathing heavily. Luffy stood back up, raising his arm to his mouth, inflating himself. Gear Four...

I've only seen it that one time in Dressrosa, but from the looks of it, once times up, he will be down for the count for a while. He's planning to end the fight... With the revelation, I let out a sigh.

I looked around our surroundings, seeing the damage caused by the battle. I need to start thinking of an escape route... but first- I looked around, finding a piece of glass on the ground. Perfect.

I began to shuffle myself over to the shard, turning to where I can grab hold of it in my hands. I adjusted the glass in my hand, griping it securely before shimmying it against the rope.

I glanced up to the two, seeing they were still fighting, then glanced over to true others to make sure they are still unconscious. I tightened my grip, pressing harder against the ropes.

After a couple of minutes I felt the ropes loosen as they fell to the floor. I let go of the shard, bringing my hands up to untie the cloth from around my mouth. Once the cloth was off, I stood up.

I noticed it got quiet, causing me to spin my head towards where Luffy and Katakuri are. I seen they were standing, not moving. I slowly made my way over, as to not catch Katakuri's attention.

"Are you gonna come back..." I stopped where I was, thinking he heard me, but realized he wasn't talking to me, but to Luffy. "To take down Big Mom someday?"

"Of course I am! Beachside I'll..." Luffy exclaimed, giving a fierce glare at Katakuri, balling his hands into fists. "Become the King of the Pirates!"

I couldn't help but to smile at the declaration, despite hearing it many times before. Katakuri let out a huff, "You're seeing quite far into the future."

Then, he fell back.

I walked over, carefully placing a hand on top of one of Luffy's shoulders. "You did it."

Luffy turned his head, giving a lazy smile. "Yeah..."

I noticed the exhaustion written down on his face as he staggered slightly. He's reached his limit. I grabbed hold of one of his arms, wrapping it over my shoulder as my other arm wrapped around his waist. "Let's go find the others, sound good?"

His slowly nodded his head, keeping himself from falling asleep. "What happened... with you? When we crashed Sanji's wedding... no one... knew where you were."

I closed my eyes, frowning slightly as I felt somewhat guilty for worrying everyone. "I'll tell you later, for now, let's find a way out."

Published: 10/14/2022

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