Chapter 45

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2 Years Later

"Come on, guys! I wanna explore the island!" Luffy shouted, already jumping off the ship.

"Luffy, wait a second would you! We don't know anything about this island, who knows what or who could be out there!" Nami shouted, but it was futile, for he was long gone. She let out a groan, slapping her forehead. "Why do I even bother..."

I let out a chuckle, placing a hand on her shoulder. "It was inevitable Nami, you know how Luffy is."

"Can't you do something? I mean, he listens to you." She exasperated, motioning her arms in the direction he ran off to.

I let out a sigh, smiling. "Let him have his fun. Besides, what could this island have that we can't handle?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"She's right you know, look at everything we've accomplished the past couple of years." Robin spoke up, a bag over her shoulder as she went to walk off the ship.

"Yohohoho! I'd like to take a look around as well." Brook did his signature laugh.

"Me too! Me too!" Chopper exclaimed, running with an excited grin.

"The mighty Usopp never turns his back on adventure!" Usopp boasted, following Chopper.

"Ugh... fine. How about we all go?" Nami asked, figuring we would be fine.

"Anything for you Nami-Swan!" Sanji shouted, twirling off the ship, knocking Zoro down along the way.

"Oi, watch where the hell your going stupid love cook!" Zoro shouted, glaring at him.

This caused Sanji to stop. "Haaah? You say something moss head?" He craned his neck back to look at Zoro in disgust.

Next thing I know, the two are exchanging blows. "Now's not the time to be fighting..." Jimbei spoke up, sweat dropping at the two antics. "You'd think they would've stopped by now."

"I know right..." Nami exasperated, "can you two knock it off, already?!" Nami bared her teeth at the two, knocking them on the heads.

"Guys, shouldn't we look for Luffy?" Usopp said, looking at all of us. "For all we know-"

I tuned the rest of the conversation out, looking around at the scenery. Noticing a light coming from the left of me, I began walking in that direction.

When I pushed past the bushes, I found myself in an open field with various flowers. I looked in front of me, seeing a hill up ahead with something on top of it.  "Guys, do you see that?" Getting no response, I looked around me to see no one was there. Great, I'm lost... man, I sound like Zoro right about now.

Deciding to look for them later, I started to walk towards the top, to see what it was. When I got to the top, I stood there with a small smile on my face.

So this is where we are... I closed my eyes, basking in the warm rays of the sun, when I felt a hand rest on my shoulder.

"Are you ready?" I opened my eyes and turned my head to see Izuku was standing there.

"Ready? Ready for what?" I asked confused, when a thought struck me all of a sudden.


The crew and I were all on an island, exploring it like we usually did... however, this time, Jimbei was there right alongside us.

The constant bickering of Sanji and Zoro filled my ears as Nami began to scold the two, causing me to laugh as Usopp began to worry because Luffy had run off on his own once again.

In the blink of an eye, the scenery changed, bringing me to a field of various flowers as I stared at an object up on a hill, though I couldn't tell what it was due to it being shaded out.

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