Chapter 30

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"(Y/N)! I was so worried!" Chopper wailed as he threw himself into my arms. I wrapped my arms around the little reindeer, smiling in relief.

"I'm sorry I worried you guys so much..." I trialed off, not sure of how to explain what's going on.

"Don't ever do that again, okay?!" Chopper yelled, sniffling to which I gave him a smile.

I frowned slightly, knowing I can't keep that promise to the doctor. "Don't worry about me... You should go check on Luffy, he has a few wounds from his fight with Katakuri."

I placed him down on the ground before he took off to Luffy, crying in relief that he's okay.

"He's totally worn out..." Nami sighed, as she and Brook made their way over to us.

I smiled down to the sleeping man, recalling how he took on Katakuri alone to ensure everyone was safe. "Yeah, he went all out in that fight..." If he keeps pushing himself past his limits like this to save us... who knows what'll happen.

"(Y/N)." I turned my attention away to who called my name, seeing Nami standing and facing me. I rubbed my arm shyly, knowing I'm going to get an earful from her for running off like that. She let out a sigh, "Look, you can tell me later, but I'm glad your okay."

I gave her a small smile, nodding. "Thanks Nami." Sorry Nami, but I won't be coming with you guys.

"You guys... You kept me waiting so long." Luffy grumbled, half wake.

"Yeah right!" Nami barked, bearing her teeth at him in annoyance.

"You okay, Jimbei?" I asked, noticing the surprised look on his face.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah I'm glad you guys are safe, but I can't help but be amazed that Luffy took down Katakuri." Jimbei admitted, as he stared at Luffy.

I let out a hum, understanding what he means. "Yeah, I get what your saying." I turned my attention back to Luffy, "But then again it doesn't surprise me, I mean, Luffy has always pulled through and made the impossible possible..."

"I see..." Jimbei trailed off before speaking up once again. "You know, he was really worried when you didn't escape the wedding with us."

I frowned, guilt written all over my face. "Yeah, about that... there was something I needed to do alone, and didn't want to worry the others about it." I replied, choosing my words carefully.

After a few moments, I spoke up again. "I'm assuming you came here to cut ties with Big Mom, right?"

"You are correct. I came here to relinquish myself from being apart of the Big Mom Pirates." He replied, glancing from me to Luffy once more.

I felt myself smile, "He's still waiting for you to join, ya know? Once he's made his mind up he won't back down, you should know that since the battle 2 years ago."

"Believe me I know." He let out a humorous chuckle, "And I am forever grateful that he allowed me to fight with him in that battle."

The reminder of the battle, reminded me of the promise I made to Ace, causing me to lose my smile. "Will you continue to watch over Luffy?"

"Of course I will, why?" He replied without missing a beat, raising an eyebrow at me.

I furrowed my brows together, debating on if I should tell him or not. "Promise you won't tell the others what I'm about to tell you?" I turned to look at Jimbei.

A look of contemplation ran of his features before he gave me a nod. "After escaping here, the plan is to head to Wano where the rest of the crew and Law are." I paused, biting my lip at the words about to leave my mouth. "But I won't be going with them..."

I saw the shock on his face at my words, before it turned into confusion. "What? But why?"

I glanced down to my feet, running my fingers over the metal of the collar on my neck I've grown used to by now. "Where to begin...?" I questioned myself before letting out a defeated sigh. "For starters, when arriving on this island, I was kidnapped by Brûlée and brought before Big Mom."

I paused, replaying the events of the past couple of days in my head. "I found out she was my birth mother and after hearing about my ability after the war, she found my power useful and put a collar similar to the ones the Celestial Dragon's used to ensure I won't run away." I summed up, leaving some parts out as they weren't important at the moment.

"Surely there must be a way to get the key to the collar..." Jimbei strategized.

"I thought so too, so during the attack at the wedding, I ran off to find the key, but had no luck. I think Big Mom has it with her." I explained.

"That could pose a problem if she does indeed have the key with her." Jimbei speculated, letting out a sigh.

"Which brings me to my next thing, I have a favor to ask of you." I paused, bringing my head back up to stare at Jimbei with determination. "I want you to help me make sure they escape, find the key and get this collar off, then catch up to everyone in Wano."

There was a moment of silence as Jimbei processed what I had told and asked of him, contemplating.

"I know it's a lot to ask, and if you don't want to that's fine." I spoke up, glancing to where everyone is. "I'll find a way to do it somehow, I just don't know how long it'll be before I see every-"

"I'll do it."

I snapped my head to Jimbei in surprise. "Y-You will?!"

He nodded his head, "Of course. I owe you a great debt as well, and I can't stand by as someone is being forced against their will to be somewhere they don't want to be." Jimbei spoke, glancing down to the collar around my neck.

I nodded my head, giving him a smile. "Thank you Jimbei." I looked around and noticed the enemy was not too far away, ready for an attack. "There's just one more thing I need to do..."

Seeming to understand, he gave me a nod before I walked over to where Luffy was. I crouched down beside him, shaking his shoulder gently. "Luffy?"

I watched as his eyes slowly opened half way, sliding his eyes over to meet mine. "Hey, (Y/N)..."

I smiled at him sadly, not liking what I was about to do. "You trust me, right?"

He nodded his head lazily, letting out a hum. "Of course I do, why?"

I bit my lip as I felt tears stinging my eyes. "There's something I have to do here... so I won't be leaving here with you."

I watched as his eyes widened as he processed what that meant, but still to weak to jump up. "What? Why?!"

I felt a tear run down my face as I revealed the collar around my neck, not saying a word. I seen the realization overtake his face as he stared at the collar before wave of sadness took place. "I-Is that..."

I nodded my head, not saying a word. "No, we're not leaving without you."

"Luffy." I said softly, as he began to mumble.

"Yeah. We can turn around and-" He continued on not listening to me.

"Luffy." I said a little louder, catching his attention. I placed a hand on his cheek, trying to calm him down. "You said you trusted me, didn't you?"

"Y-Yeah... I did." He nodded hesitantly.

"Then let me do this, let me make sure you guys escape." I spoke softly, "Then, I'll meet up with everyone in Wano, how does that sound?"

He seemed to have calmed down now as a serious expression was on his face. "You better, promise?"

I gave him a smile, knowing how much a promise means to him. "I promise."

Published: 10/25/2022

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