Chapter 40

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"Shogun-Sama! Come on out!"

"Or we'll break the door down!"



A bang on the door startled Momonouske. I glared at the door, watching a few cracks form. The door won't last much longer...

"Sorry, Momonouske-kun!" I glanced at Yamato, watching as he held his shirt open a little.

"Don't tell me you're doing what I think you're doing..." I trailed off, watching as he grabbed Momonouske and stuffed him in his shirt. I guess that's one way to hide him... I sweat dropped.

Just then, the men outside rammed the door again. Taking the opportunity, we attacked the door, shattering it to pieces, knocking the men down in surprise.

Without a second to waste, we began to run, taking down those who stood in our way. The more we kept running, the more of the enemy we ran into. "I think one of those things is following us."


"What?! An eel?!" Yamato shouted in shock, staring at Momonouske, who turned into a dragon. "Why do you look like that?"

"This is what he becomes when he gets excited." Shinobu mentioned.

"What? Could it be because you ate a devil fruit?" Yamato asked, curious.

"Yes, I did..." Momonouske trailed off, getting lost in thought.

"Momonouske-kin, you look like..." Yamato trailed off. "My father!"

I rose a brow at this, having not seen Kaido turn into a dragon. Interesting...

"Can you change back to yourself? You're sticking out like that." Yamato asked, pointing to his dragon form.

Momonouske transformed back to normal after a second. "It may not look it, but I have gained better control over it... When I first met Luffy and the others, I would turn into a dragon every time I got surprised and felt sad."

I let out a small sigh, but smiled. "It's true. Back when we first met him and Kin'emon, he transformed a lot and couldn't turn back for long periods of time."

"I'm astonished. I wonder if it's similar to my father's power..." Yamato voiced out.

"If I could turn into a monster like he does, I would be of help to everyone..." I frowned at Momonouske's words. He thinks he hasn't helped us when that's not true. He's helped plenty of times.

"Luffy is still fighting Kaido, right?" Yamato asked, walking forward. "I wonder if he's okay! I wanna take down Kaido tol! As Oden!"

"Luffy is getting much weaker..." I glanced to Momonouske as he talked, "But somehow he is in good spirits!"

"That's good..." Shinobu relieved, before becoming confused as the rest of us. "How can you tell, Momonouske-Sama?!"

At the question, even Momonouske seemed to grow confused as to how he knew. "I don't know what's going on anymore..." I sighed, closing my eyes as I slumped forward slightly.

A few moments later, we decided to hide out in a room as to avoid being detected by the enemy or those creepy Marys.


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