Chapter 28

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She fell into the dark void quickly, reaching for something to grab onto to stop her descent

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She fell into the dark void quickly, reaching for something to grab onto to stop her descent. There was nothing here. Not even light or sound so she couldn't see her hands in front of her face or even hear her desperate breathing.

"It worked!" The Old Spirits said inside of her. "We did it!"

She opened her mouth to speak, but the sound was swallowed by the darkness. Instead, she repeated the question in her mind and hoped they could hear her.

"What worked?"

"We are going to our sibling."

"What?! How?"

"We got you close enough to where we could tap into our sibling's power. The three of us opened this space up to bring you to the spot where our sibling is bound. We couldn't do it before. We were too far away."

"I don't want this! I'll fight!"

"It doesn't matter. You brought us here. You should have listened to the others. But you brought us here!" They spoke in unison.

She tried to cry out... to scream for help. But when she opened her mouth, the sound was sucked up in a vacuum. The silence surrounded her as did the darkness.

She thought of Thor and hoped he would find her. Her heart ached for Namor and she knew he would never stop looking.


"What was that?" Thor asked Strange. They both looked at the ground, shocked and confused. 

"I...I don't know," Strange answered.

"Was it magic? Can you open it and go after her?"

"I'm not equipped to tap into that kind of magic, Thor. It's dark and very, very old."

Neither of them noticed Namor had already launched himself into the air until he was a considerable distance away.

"Where is he going?" Thor looked up at the god king.

"To find her. He must know where they're taking her. Which means -"

"We need to follow him."

Thor used Stormbreaker to fling himself into the air and Strange's cape pulled him up. They soared behind Namor.

"I don't think he's going to like us tailing him." Strange said.

"I don't care."


Namor could feel them behind him

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Namor could feel them behind him. A part of him wanted to knock them out of the sky. He didn't know what happened to his love, but he knew they were partially to blame. The sorcerer and the lightning god stalled him. They prevented them from going to the place she was filled with the Old Spirits.

He assumed the Old Spirits found a way to suck her into some dark portal that would send her to their sibling alone. Namor hated the idea of her trying to fight these dark spirits by herself. He hated that he wasn't by her side to protect her.

A more frightening thought occurred to him. Something her lightning friend had said about her feeding. She needed a sacrifice to be strong enough to keep the third Old Spirit out and she hadn't fed since the French soldiers on the island. She was weak and if she was to put up fight, it wouldn't be a good one.

He ignored the two men following him and pushed forward. He was still connected to her. Bonded by his feelings for her. She called to him, pulled him to her.

He didn't know where she was, but he knew he would find her.

He could feel his own body grow weak, the further he distanced himself from the water source. Namor didn't care. He pushed forward and remembered the words of the shaman he consulted within his kingdom before breaking into Wakanda to steal her away.

"I wouldn't be so quick to make Wakanda your enemy," the shaman had said.

They were in the center of the underwater hut in chairs carved out of stone

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They were in the center of the underwater hut in chairs carved out of stone. The runes in the center were heavy enough to not move with the slow and gentle current of the deep waters that pushed through their hair and clothing. They spoke to each other in the depths as the Talokanil people had so easily done for centuries.

"If they do not help, they will make themselves our enemy."

"No, my king. If they do not give you what you want, it isn't because they wish to make you an enemy. It's because they don't want to betray someone who needs their help."

"How would helping me find old magic to protect our home betray a person? Is this someone who protects the secret?" Namor had asked, intrigued. He could feel that the shaman held something back. But Namor understood that a shaman would only do this if the information would endanger the listener ...or the future.

"You seek more than old magic. Your heart calls out to another. Someone who was not born, but made, and she was made just for you. Just like you were the first of your kind, she is the first of hers."

Namor frowned. "You think I seek love?"

"My king, your mother did not name you Namor. You did. You are not and have never been without love, K'uk'ulkan. You have the love of your people. The love of your mother. And another love you have yet to find."

Namor was quiet for a moment. He looked at the runes and fish bones in the center of the altar. The shaman was an honorable man with thick white hair down his back. He was covered in jade, shells and colorful feathers. The shaman waited for Namor's next question.

"If I find her, will I find the old magic to protect our people?"

"I can not say. But the two are connected."

"How will I know her?"

"You've met her already."

Namor suspected it was the one Shuri and Ramonda guarded by the shore that evening. She caught his eye, this one. She was beautiful, but there was something else about her that made him curious. He could see in her eyes that she was more than she presented. But that hadn't been his focus, so he ignored his own curiosity.

"How will I be sure she is the one you speak of?" Namor asked.

"She's a queen," the shaman said. "She's your queen. And she will let you know it."

Namor remembered all of this as he pushed through the air in the hot desert. He didn't know that she was the queen the shaman spoke of until she revealed her true name. He'd only taken her because he assumed she would lead him to the old magic he sought and the queen the shaman had spoken of. She was a clue, he thought.

And he was wrong. She was everything. And that's why he needed to find her.

She called to him and he ignored his weakened state to continue on. He told her he would give his life for her.

...and it looked like he just might have to.

The Dark Soul (Namor x fem Fanfic )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu