Chapter 3

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An alarm sounded and the clunk of metal bolts engaged, locking the front door. Namor watched as thick metal shields slammed shut on the outside of the tinted windows sealing them in.

"They're coming for you," Rhiannon trembled. Namor grinned, mischievously.

"In the meantime, you're locked in here with me."

He slid his hand from beneath her shirt and climbed off the bed. Rhiannon sat up and closed her robe, tying the straps into a knot. Namor walked to the windows. They were floor to ceiling and one inch thick glass. The metal shields that rolled into place once the alarm was stricken were also about an inch thick of vibranium. 

Namor laughed. "The same metal is probably on the front door as well. Doesn't matter. Neither is powerful enough to hold me."

Rhiannon could feel his rage again. That deep, dark hatred bubbling in his heart seeped out of him and into hers. She panicked. There was no buffer or savior to keep her from changing. If she was around him long enough, if she was fed more of his need for vengeance, she would be triggered and destroy everything and everyone. She collapsed on the sofa and shut her eyes.

Rhiannon could barely hear the sound of shattering glass and twisted metal over the thuds of her own nervous heartbeat as Namor blasted through the window and metal shield. She opened her eyes to rain pouring into the gaping hole and Namor floating just outside with a mocking grin on his face.

He floated back inside and in one swift move, grabbed her around the waist and effortlessly lifted her up and out of the room.


By the water's edge, they were met by some of Namor's soldiers. Attuma stood, commanding and strong, awaiting his king while two others behind him carried a suit for Rhiannon to wear underwater.  In the presence of his men, Namor's rage subsided. He was more at peace which calmed Rhiannon as she was pulled behind him to the depths and into Talokan, where she was greeted by curious children who waved happily. Men and women swam about and saluted their king, who returned the greeting. 

Rhiannon was in awe of the beautiful underwater nation and its inhabitants. Namor watched as she delighted in the curious onlookers who studied and welcomed her.

Before long, they emerged in an underwater cave and Attuma ordered the women there to help Rhiannon out of the suit. She was freezing in the shorts and shirt she still wore beneath the robe. On one side of her was what appeared to be a bed and she climbed onto it and covered herself with the dried sea plants. They immediately offered warmth.

One of the women returned with more traditional Talokan clothing and gestured for Rhiannon to take them. She was hesitant at first, but the beautiful jewels and colors caught her and she eventually acquiesced.

The women left as Rhiannon removed her robe and slid out of her shirt and shorts. She wasn't aware Namor had returned while she dressed as her back was to the opening of the cave. He watched her lustfully as the teal fabric of the dress hugged her waist and slid down her legs. She took a minute to admire the jade earrings carved into the shape of their god, K'uk'ulkan, before she put them on.

Namor watched, admiring her beauty. He hadn't expected to notice her this way when he brought her down here. No matter. He needed to protect his people and to do that, he needed her.

"Would you like help with the tiara?" Namor's voice boomed behind her and she jumped.


He approached slowly, dressed more fully in his own robes adorned with feathers. He lifted the crown from the tray. It wasn't like the European tiaras, but moreso a thick string of silver with iridescent shells and jade beads that shimmered even in the dim light of the cave. Namor placed it on top of her hair and positioned it until it was perfect.

He took longer than usual to admire it... and her. He stroked her cheek and gently touched her chin, running his thumb across her lips.

Suddenly, she was no longer cold.

"What do you think of my home?"

"Captivating," she responded, not caring that his hand still cradled her face. He stared so deeply into her eyes, she felt in a trance. "Thank you for allowing me to see it."

"I will admit it was with selfish intent." Namor removed his hand from her face and held it out for her to take. "I want to show you something."

They walked a corridor to another room that had a colorful mural painted on it. Namor gave Rhiannon a chance to study the art, pleased with the look of admiration on her face. When she turned to him, he began.

"My people were not always underwater. Our story began on land. My story, with my mother and her tribe who grew sick with disease spread by Spanish conquistadors."

Rhiannon listened and followed Namor down the wall to each segment painted to represent that place in his story. He placed his hand on the small of her back and she was surprised at the electricity she felt from the attraction of his calm, deep voice, his accent and strength as she moved with him. 

His brown skin glistened, thick black hair was still slick with water. She caught herself more than once admiring his broad shoulders and toned body as they walked. More than anything, it was his eyes. The deep brown, intense gaze had her locked in and set her skin on fire.

When he finished his story, he looked at her with pleading eyes. "Do you understand now? Why I have to do this to protect my people?"

"Do what?"

"Use you. I have to keep you here as leverage to force Wakanda to turn over the thing I seek."

A wave of relief followed by another of fear passed through her. He didn't know who she was after all, but if he kept her there any longer, he was bound to find out. 

He cupped her cheek in his large hand again. His stare far more intense than before. 

"Will you help me, Rhiannon?"

The sound of her name on his lips weakened her. She placed a hand on his firm chest. He stared at it for a second before covering it with his other hand, pressing it firmly against his skin.

Her skin heated yet another degree.

"I will. But I'm afraid that you taking me will only lead to Wakanda searching for me. It could lead to war."

"I have more soldiers than they have blades of grass. War is not an issue."

She could feel that rage bubbling again. She pressed in closer to him, catching him off guard. He moved his hands to her waist. 

"Wouldn't it be best not to sacrifice your people if I can peacefully get Wakanda to help? After all, they aren't your enemy and you are not theirs."

He watched her for a moment, his brown eyes studying every inch of her face before he broke out into a confident smile that still had a hint of malicious intent.

"As you wish."

The Dark Soul (Namor x fem Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now