Chapter 9

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"How do you know any of this?" Namor questioned as he listened to their story

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"How do you know any of this?" Namor questioned as he listened to their story. "If she can't remember, who told you her history?"

"The Asgardians are meticulous record keepers. They kept watch. Thor shared what he could." Queen Ramonda said.

"And you believe him?"

"They aren't known to lie."

"Except for Loki," Shuri mumbled. Ramonda glared at her and she quieted.

"And where is this Asgardian? It would be convenient to speak with him," Namor said.

"We...don't know. No one's seen him for a while after...everyone was brought back. After Thanos."

"Yes. The Great Vanishing. I remember." Namor looked solemn. "After she drank, what happened? Who are the other spirits?"

"According to Thor, Destruction is the second one. The third never entered her. She used a charm to hide herself from it, but it also locked the other two in. She's responsible for a great deal of damage. When triggered, she is controlled by the thing that did the triggering. And as designed, their will becomes her will. Unfortunately, once she's destroyed everything in her path, the person that triggered her loses control. Could be from fear or they yield the control because they got what they wanted. Personally, I think once they see the the level of death and destruction she causes, they no longer want it. It's a destruction that is total and complete. She leaves nothing alive and nothing standing."

"And when they lose control, what happens?"

"She either finds her way back to herself or she sleeps. Once she has destroyed everything in her path, she finds a place to hide away and slumbers until she is awakened. She's responsible for Pompeii, Doggerland, Aitape, Carthage, that town in Venezuela. She nearly destroyed Rome more than once. Akrotiri in Greece. There's even reason to believe she destroyed Atlantis. She's turned the sky black and the summer into winter. She's made animals extinct and sank entire cities under the sea-"

"Yes, you've given me plenty of reasons to fear her. But why should I not just go in there and kill her now? I could, you know." Namor spoke.

"Could you?" Ramonda stepped closer to Namor. She wanted to look into his eyes. "You have the strength, no question. You seem impervious to even our weapons. But you told me that you slept with her. You, the great Namor lay with what you thought was a regular, plain woman of no consequence."

"She is not of no consequence," he defended, frustrated.

"Well, no. She isn't. But you didn't know that. Did you?" Ramonda was now inches away from him, peering into his deep brown eyes. "You no longer want to just use her. You are in love with her."

"I am without love."

"So you say." Ramonda stepped away.  "Then go. If you feel nothing for her, go in there and kill her. She won't attack you. Not after you....have made love to her. No, she trusts you implicitly now. See, it was a theory until now. One Thor posed to us that even Asgard was unsure about. She was not born, but molded of the earth. Little Doa, our Rhiannon, submitted herself to the Old Spirits, two of which entered her and got locked in by a charm. Old magic her parents used to keep these Old Spirits, evil spirits away. What was it that she used? What's the oldest thing there is that could block that type of darkness? A thing so powerful that unless its absorbed, it keeps existing. What is it, Namor?"

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