Chapter 13

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The Wakandan jets landed in a field near New Asgard where a shuttle awaited their arrival

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The Wakandan jets landed in a field near New Asgard where a shuttle awaited their arrival. Shuri and Okoye were taken to the center of town and escorted into a meeting room where Valkyrie sat, waiting for them. Shuri was the first to notice she wasn't her usual energetic self.

"What happened to you?" Shuri asked, concerned.

Valkyrie groaned as she stood, clutching her side.

"Got stabbed by a god-hating maniac. Thanks for asking. What can I help you ladies with?"

"Thor. Do you know where we can find him?" Okoye asked.

"Not at the moment."

"Does he ever come back here?" Shuri sounded desperate.

Valkyrie studied the two women, curiously.  "What's happened?"

Shuri and Okoye exchanged looks, before Shuri answered. "How much do you know about Rhiannon?"

Valkyrie's face changed, losing it's humor. "The Dark Soul? Everything. Why?"

"She's been staying in Wakanda with us. But she's taken up with someone who-"

"Triggered her transformation? Please tell me you weren't about to say that."

"How do we stop it?" Shuri asked.

"You can't." Valkyrie sat back down in her seat at the head of the conference table. "You'll have to kill her. No, a god will have to kill her because you two won't be able to get close when she's fully transformed. I might have had a fighting chance, but with this injury... Thor and his secrets. He said he killed her years ago. But I guess he would, wouldn't he? Odin wanted her brought to Asgard, no doubt to use as a weapon against his enemies. I guess Thor saw through that. Found her in Venezuela and brought her to you."

"We were trying to help her." Shuri spoke. They sat down as well, focused on Valkyrie.

"Fix her, you mean? She can't be fixed. Not by us."

"Then who?"

"I can tell Thor kept as much from you as he did from me. Can't blame him, really. It's smart. Give everyone bits of information, but not all so no one can use it against you. Well," Valkyrie pressed the intercom button on the phone in front of her.

"Yes, your majesty?" The voice on the other end was clear and deep.

"Rasha, can you please bring us something to drink. Waters for the ladies and -" She let go of the button and spoke directly to Shuri and Okoye. "I'm assuming you two don't drink?"

"She doesn't." Shuri responded before Okoye could answer. Okoye opened her mouth to protest, but changed her mind.

"A water for the general and the strongest thing you have chilled for myself and the princess."

"Right away," the voice obeyed.

"Right. I guess I should get started then." Valkyrie got comfortable in the chair.

The Dark Soul (Namor x fem Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now