Chapter 14

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Rhiannon clung to Namor as they lowered to the ground

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Rhiannon clung to Namor as they lowered to the ground. Attuma and Namora waited on the island among the fallen trees.

She looked at what was left of the ships and gasped. Rhiannon had been controlled by the Old Spirits before, but she never got used to their ability to destroy everything in sight. Namor had called her back from full transformation, but not completely. Not to her original state, the way she was when Namor stole her from her condo in Wakanda. There was only one way she could do so and that meant sacrificing the one who controlled her.

Rhiannon wasn't ready to do that. She didn't think she would ever be. Yet she couldn't stand the destruction she committed either. Attuma and Namora walked into the depths of the ocean and disappeared, leaving her alone with Namor.

"Did I hurt you?" she asked, eyes wet with tears. Namor smirked.

"You underestimate me, mi amor."

"I think you underestimate me. You need to send me away. Put me somewhere and forget me."

"I will not."

"Don't be foolish. You don't know who...what I am."

"Then, tell me." His voice was soothing, his accent melodic. She couldn't help but relax in his presence. Rhiannon gazed into his deep brown eyes. His face was serious and he still held her close to him.

"I'm old. Older than you. Older than everyone thinks. I don't remember everything, but I remember more than I pretend to. The things that I remember are terrible things. People I've hurt or...killed. I assume most monsters like me have memories like that."

Namor wiped a tear from her cheek with his thumb and with the same serious look said, "You are not a monster."

She looked at the broken ships as they slowly sank, wadded up into giant balls of metal. A few of the bodies floated back to the surface. Rhiannon looked away.

"Please, can you take me away from here?" She said, her face buried in Namor's neck. 

"As you wish." He lifted her, carrying her in his arms toward the water. "I will take you home."

"To Wakanda? They won't allow you in peacefully. Not after what you've done."

"No, mi amor. They will not. Neither would I, if it were me. But I would not change what I've done." He pushed against the waves and into the deep blue. "I'm taking you back to Talokan."

"How? I can't breathe underwater like you."

"If I wanted you to, you can. Right?" He placed a soft kiss on her lips. "I want you to breathe water like my people."

"I can give you what you want," she said.


"Thor had a theory. See, none of us know the truth. We don't have the technology to test someone as old as The Dark Soul. Anything we invent goes up to four hundred thousand years or so." Valkyrie said. "There are stories throughout history from different tribes and civilizations that speak of an entity like her.  Some call her Isis. Others called her Pandora. Most recently, they call her Eve."

The Dark Soul (Namor x fem Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now