As the two continued to talk, I decided to rest for a moment. But when I did, I had a dream like the one I had growing up, this time it was more vivid.


The crew and I were all on an island, exploring it like we usually did... how we, this time, Jimbei was there right alongside us.

The constant bickering of Sanji and Zoro filled my ears as Nami began to scold the two, causing me to laugh as Usopp began to worry because Luffy had run off on his own once again.

In the blink of an eye, the scenery changed, bringing me to a field of various flowers as I stared at an object up on a hill though I couldn't tell what it was due to it being shaded out.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, but I couldn't see who it was as for it felt like my body couldn't move.

"Are you ready?"

'Ready? Ready for what?' I was confused as to what was going on around me, the feeling of uneasiness enveloped me.

"Don't worry, I truly believe that you can do this." The person spoke up again, attempting to reassure me. "If you ever begin to doubt yourself, remind yourself of why you are doing this."

As if being controlled, I felt myself nod. "I'm ready."


I was awoken by a huge crash, followed by shaking, startling me.

"Why is it shaking again?!"

I looked to see Shinobu protecting Momonouske as they, along with Yamato were glaring up to the ceiling. Using my Observation Haki, I glanced a few seconds ahead.

I saw Kin'emon and the others disappear from the rooftop, Kaido and Big Mom standing side by side as Luffy jumped into the air, stretching his arm back. "Gum Gum... Red Roc!"

Bringing his enlarged fist forward, Fire surrounded it as he landed a blow against Kaido, knocking him down into the ground before it froze over.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy. I'm the man who'll beat you guys..." Luffy trailed off, placing his hat on his head. "And become King of the Pirates!"

When the insight was over, I let out a chuckle, looking to the others. "There's no need to worry..."

"What makes you say that?" Yamato asked, as he and the others looked in my direction.

"Luffy and Kaido have begun to fight." I stated simply, "However, Kin'emon and the others-"

"Someone's watching." Yamato cut me off, glancing around the room. "Is it you?!" He shouted.

I looked in the direction he looked in, seeing a mouse with a paper with an eye over its face. Startled by being found out, it began to run across the beam to escape.

"That this!" Yamato said, swinging his club, causing wind to knock it into Yamato's hand.

I got a closer look as sparks erupted from it before it began smoking. "What the hell is that?"

"Why is smoke coming out of a mouse?" Shinobu asked.

"They're Marys, the surveillance force of my father's army." Yamato explained, kneeling down, "they're cyborgs."



Momonouske and Shinobu said, confused.

"They're animals with mechanized body parts." Yamato went to on to explain.

"Basically, like how Franky is." I summed up, looking at the two.

"What?!" Momonouske asked.

"They're roaming around the island without purpose, but they share their vision with human Marys!" Yamato continued to explain.

"So what this mouse saw..." Shinobu asked, trailing off in worry.

"Human Marys must've seen the exact same thing..." Yamato confirmed for Shinobu, "That means this place..."

Sounds of footsteps drew our attention, alerting us.

"Hey, is it really this storehouse?"

"No one enters this cursed place now..."

"I see no signs of anyone entering from here."

"But they said this was the place!"

"I'm sure Young Master Yamato's here! I mean, the next Shogun-Sama!"

Several voices could be heard outside, talking amongst themselves. "There are a number of them." Momonouske spoke up.

"This place isn't safe anymore." Yamato announced.

"Let's run, Yamato, (Y/N)!" Shinobu said, "Show us the way that'll keep Momonouske-Sama out of their sights!"

Published: 01/15/2023

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