Chapter 39 Ooh baby!

Start from the beginning

"Oh" was all Lily said admiring how good looking their father is, leaving both siblings to argument with each other, "you could of said something, have me thinking they where lost!. I searched high and low for them and all this time your avatar looking ass had it!" she shoutedbefore walking over to punch him on the arm.

"The fuck is wrong with you stop hitting me Fiona!" rubbing on spot that was pulsating, typical bantering between the two.

"Boy! that is not nice your sister isn't an ogre stop that!" she said giving back the pictures to Trish.

"Miguel if your father was still alive he would be my sneaky link, he is handsome" Lily said out loud without thinking about her words to her lunatic man.

The only thing Trish did not do was roll on the floor with her loud scandalous laughing.

"I didn't mean it literally silly...." trying to clarify what she meant but Miguel cut her off.

"Trish get out! come back tomorrow..." Miguel shoo his sister out, hearing what Lily said sent up his blood pressing.

She knew that would of set his crazy ass off, no man wants to hear their woman say that, "you're so fucking rude" Trish mumbled before walking out the door.

"Upstairs....." his voice calm but deadly, this is when Lily know she messed up, "M stop overrea...".

"Up...stairs..." he pointed his finger to the room.

The walk was silent on their way up, Lily was asking herself why she had to open up her big mouth.

Miguel open the bedroom door standing aside so she can enter first, only when he looked up after locking the door he realized it had rose petals and candles on the floor leading all the way out to the balcony.

At least Lily took that advice from Mrs Murphy into consideration after mentioning it for so long.

She watched him walk carefully not wanting to step on the flowers.

"Sweet p this look real nice babe, all of this makes me feel special" he stand with his back facing Lily looking at the beautiful setup in front his eyes.

"Sweet p this look real nice babe, all of this makes me feel special" he stand with his back facing Lily looking at the beautiful setup in front his eyes

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Wrapping her arms around him from behind "because you are to us Miguel, you make me feel beautiful or more like one in a million, something I've never experienced with a man. Although we went throw some turbulence in our relationship, you've made me a mother...".

Lily started choking up remembering that day in the doctor's office like it was yesterday when Dr Lloyd said that she may not be able to conceive and now by the mercies of god she is.

"Sheee... hush baby its okay, we have each other now, and again... I'm sorry for putting you through that shit, it will never happen again. I love you babe".

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