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▶ Face ~ Alex Kehm

Jungkook pushed open the door to the studio. Jimin was sitting against the giant mirror, head hidden between his knees. It was silent.

Jimin's studio was never this quiet. Ever. Even if he wasn't practicing, he would have some song or the other as white noise.

Jungkook's heart ached at seeing the small figure curled up. He had brought hot chocolate and he took off his slides before walking towards Jimin.

The silver haired guy looked up, startled. He blinked rapidly, as if trying to convince himself he wasn't dreaming. The raven sat down crisscross before him, placing two cups aside. Jimin finally realised he wasn't asleep and his best friend was really here.

"Kook? What are you doing here?!"

The chapped lips, red rimmed eyes and dark circles were so unnatural on the usually flawless Jimin. He looked pale and skinny too. It sent a pang of pain through Jungkook's body.

Jungkook didn't say a word, just wrapped Jimin into the tightest hug he could muster. He pulled the dancer into his lap, like old times, caressing his nape.

Jimin sighed, hiding himself in the hug, cheek resting against Jungkook's collarbone. The elder felt light in his lap. He had probably lost a lot of weight.

"You knew I'd be here, hm?" Jimin broke the lingering silence.

"Of course Chim. Your mom said you were at work. Who works on the last day of the year, all institutes are shut for winter break!"

Jimin chuckled weakly, still snuggled into Jungkook's arms.

"Why did you cut your trip short Kook? You weren't supposed to be here till the first."

"Never mind that. Did you dance? Do you feel better?"

"I tried. I don't have the energy... I just... The spring showcase will be difficult if I don't get back in form soon. The auditions start next week and Hobi Hyung has been asking me repeatedly if I could help him with the students. I don't know... I feel so empty and exhausted all the time."

Jimin sat up, sighing. He took the cup of hot chocolate and sipped it, closing his eyes in bliss. Jungkook copied him. The studio was nice and warm.

"Jiminie... This isn't like you at all. Do you need help? I know you're trying to hold yourself together but if it's hard, you can always take help."

"Mm, I know. I will... Once work and school starts, I'll be feeling alright I promise. Now, on a scale of ten, how mad was Taehyung?"

Jungkook averted his gaze, choosing to stare at the wooden flooring instead.

Jimin chuckled, rolling his eyes. It felt good to hear him laugh even if it was at his expense. Jungkook felt lighter. He was glad he hadn't found Jimin crying his eyes out, like the previous times. The fact that he had made an effort to leave the house and try dancing was a huge step to recovery.

Jungkook decided he didn't need to be so much on edge now. He would check up on Jimin daily but there was no need for constant supervision or staying over.

"How'd you know Taehyung was mad?" he mumbled.

Jimin sighed. He really had to spell it out for the dumb ravenette.

"Jungkook... are you crazy? Tonight is supposed to be your first new year together and instead of being on a ropeway, watching the stars at a ski resort with Taehyung, you're here sitting in a smelly studio with your heartbroken best friend?"

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