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▶ Demons ~ Imagine Dragons

Jimin woke up later that day.

Jungkook was half asleep, holding his hand and he ran to call the nurse immediately. After a brief checkup of his vitals, she declared he was doing much better and would be discharged by evening.


The ravenette almost started crying again at the weak voice. He sat down beside the pale boy, clasping his hand. It was still warm and gave the much needed assurance that his best friend was indeed here and not a figment of his imagination.

"Yes, Chim?"

"Do my parents know?"

Jungkook shook his head, trying to keep the tears in check but he failed miserably and wiped them away. Jimin sighed, patting his head.

"Thank you for not telling them."

"Of course. How are you feeling?"

He shrugged. How does one feel after being saved from a near death experience? Well, an intentional near death experience. Fucking pathetic. He couldn't even manage a simple thing as this...



"How long have I been here?"

"About twelve hours now. I brought you here last night at probably eleven."

Jimin fell back against the pillows, queasy, throat feeling like he swallowed a cactus. He looked at the annoying tube in his hand. Why was he still here? He should have been with the love of his life.

He looked at Jungkook with a tiny bit of resentment.

Jimin always wondered how Jungkook kept the stars in his eyes alive. Even now, they were swollen and puffy but they still held relief. Hope. Tears. For him.

He wasn't that special but Jungkook always made him feel he was.

But he couldn't help but be mad at him. He didn't want to be saved. His plan was foolproof. For a moment, he hated Jungkook for knowing him in and out. Nobody else could have even thought of their old apartment. Because of course why would Jimin go to the place where he has memories of Yoongi?

But this idiot best friend of his...

"Why did you save me? Fuck, how did you even find me? I made sure to not tell a single soul. You really shouldn't have done that." Jimin grumbled.

The exhaustion, fear, frustration and worry all caught up to Jungkook, who stood up rapidly. He was livid.

"What do you mean why?! Are you fucking crazy Jimin?! You think your life is a toy that you can discard once you decide you're done?!" He yelled, completely losing his temper at that question. How dare Jimin say something like that?

"For your kind information, you're not the only one who will be affected by you trying to end yourself like this! This was literally the most selfish thing you could do Chim! And no, nobody is worth killing yourself for! I'm sorry but not even Yoongi! You had everything going for you but you chose to throw it all away? For what? Just so the pain would lessen?"

Jimin winced at the loud voice and his eyes filled with tears.

"Yes..." He whispered.

"Then what was I wasting all my energy for? To lessen your pain! If only, Chim, once you could have come to me. Once, instead of running away, you could have confided in me. Your best friend! Didn't you trust me?"

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