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▶ idfc ~ Blackbear

"You're smiling at your phone again!" Jimin said, whacking his towel on Jungkook's head.

"Ow, what was that for?" Jungkook pouted.

"I called you here to help me perfect that lift, not be on your phone all the time! Honestly, who is that chick and why are you fawning over her?"

Jimin wiped his sweaty hair and neck, drinking water. He sat beside Jungkook on the wooden floor of the dance studio. Jungkook had come directly from his clinic. It was very late. Jimin tended to overwork sometimes when he was perfecting a routine.

"I'm not fawning! She's just sweet!" Jungkook pouted indignantly.

"Who is she?"


"Kiara who?"

"Kiara Chang. She used to be Taehyung's stylist."

Jungkook was supposed to see Tae off at the airport but he called saying he had some errands and left early. He was a bit upset he didn't get to see him off.

Kiara sent him a meme and he giggled. Jimin rolled his eyes.

"JEON JUNGKOOK! It's only a week left for the showcase. THAT lift is the only part of the dance I haven't managed to perfect yet and you're not helping either."

"I'm sorry Chim, I'm sorry! But I'm not your partner, why haven't you called him?"

"He's not feeling too well so I told him to rest."

"Is he gonna be able to perform? If he's sick?"

"Well he better recover or else I'm disqualified."

"What?! Do you not have a backup?"

Jimin sighed, looking close to tears. He pinched his brows, exhausted. Jungkook hugged him immediately, patting his hair.

"There's no one who can learn the dance in a week Kook," Jimin sighed in his embrace.

"How about Yoongi?" Jungkook suddenly asked.


"Talk to him."

Jimin pulled away from the hug, looking like Jungkook had grown an extra head.

"Shut up. I don't even know if he dances! Besides, what if my partner gets back to normal and I make Yoongi waste a week for me?"

"Jiminie, if Yoshi doesn't recover, you won't even get to perform. At least teach Yoongi the basics. That way you have a backup. If I didn't have my exams, I'd do it for you too."

Jimin nodded, biting his lip in contemplation.

"Okay fine. For now, help me."

Jungkook watched mesmerized as his best friend moved around the dance floor like he was made of water. It was sensual without being provocative and Jimin's siren gaze was sure to keep everyone spellbound.

He was beautiful.

Jimin pirouetted towards him and leapt in the air. He managed to grab his waist and lift him higher, turning around slowly before placing him down.

He finished the finale and did a clean full split as the ending pose. He stood up and turned the music off.

"Yes! That was fucking amazing!" Jimin cheered, sliding down against the mirror, panting.

"Perfect! Perfect! Thank you Kook!"

"Anytime Chim," Jungkook smiled, enjoying the adorable happy face.

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