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▶ Your Eyes Tell ~ BTS

The next morning, Kiara woke Jungkook up, albeit very late. She kissed him a hasty goodbye and left the apartment, getting late for work. Jungkook rushed around equally fast, having forgotten it's a Monday. He made it to class ten minutes late and the professor was stunned by the tardiness.

College professors didn't really care but seeing their star student show up with a bedhead, puffy eyes and a venti coffee, just clutching one notebook and pen.

Jungkook apologised profusely and took his seat. It was very hard to keep his eyes open.

Fuck you Kiara you shouldn't have let me drink that much!

He pulled through the day with difficulty, barely jotting down things and submitting the papers he had fortunately remembered to bring. His clinical psych professor told him about an internship offer with an alumni doctor who had studied in Harvard.

"It would mean you'd have to move to the US after your dissertation. He would get you in their system easily. But you're the most capable candidate I suggested to him and that you're both my students makes me proud!"

"Thank you so much Mr. Han!" Jungkook bowed repeatedly, unable to believe his ears.

"He was impressed when I told him you were going to enrol in their intensive certificate course. It shows you really want to succeed in your field."

He was speechless at the appreciation and the sudden avenue open for him to move to freaking America. He stared at the offer letter, unblinking.

"You can contact him by email or his assistant's number. I think January is the month he starts to take official applications for summer interns so you have until then to accept it."

"I'm... Thank you so much once again!"

Jungkook squealed happily once he left the campus, heading to the clinic. Minho asked the reason for his extra sprightly behaviour but he just politely said he was happy.

When he finished his phone counsel for the evening, he began to daydream about the life he would have in the US. There was no way in hell he would reject the offer. It was not everyday an opportunity like this came up.

By next May, he'd hopefully be in the USA!

That would mean he would have to get a passport and apply for the visa and get an English language certificate too. His mind started running a mile a minute. There was so much work to do now. What if he messed it up?!

His daydream was broken by Kiara calling.


"Aye yo, Kook. I set up an interview at the La Loca club. They want you there in an hour. Get some id if you're not carrying any. His name is Park Chanyeol, the owner. He will personally see you."

"Thanks a ton Kiara!"

He was thankful he hadn't let the call ring or declined it.

"Don't mention it, pretty boy. So anyway, Chanyeol has white blonde hair. Tall, dimples and elfish ears which stick out. He kinda looks like Draco Malfoy."


"Malfoy? Harry Potter?"

"Right, him. Slytherin guy."

Jungkook laughed. He made a note to ask Taehyung to watch the remaining movies with him.

"Thank you so much Kiara. Let's meet for dinner? My treat."

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