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It is suffocating, blinding and clouds every ounce of your being. The worst kind of pain is when you lose someone who you never thought about losing in a million years. You'd never imagine that the moment you spent with them is the last. You never see it coming and then, it's like quicksand, sucking you in deep.

Jungkook's ears rang in a shrill static. If he wasn't already sitting beside Jimin, he would have fallen down. Everything was a blur after Jimin's dad broke the news.

Carrying Jimin to his parents car, speaking with Yoongi's parents, driving to Yoongi's home, where the... body.... would be sent. It was all mechanical and monotone.

Jungkook did what he was expected to but there were no tears. Just a giant crushing void in his stomach, which if he paid attention to, would collapse in on itself and suck him down to the point of passing out.


The gummy smile played like a broken record in his head. How was it real that just a week ago, Yoongi had helped him terminate his lease? Two weeks ago they were holidaying on an island and he had booked a private beach for him? How was it real that it has been only six days... since Yoongi was here, being his usual grumpy self and thanking him for bringing Jimin into his life?

Taehyung's touch on his hand brought him a little to reality. He wasn't ready to face it yet - he wouldn't ever be. There was no way.

Yoongi's mother was hysterical. Jimin's mother was consoling her - trying to make sense of the situation. There were so many paparazzi outside their house - it was disrespectful. It was probably already on the news.

Min Corporate's youngest heir no more.

Jungkook's phone wouldn't stop ringing.
He was with Jimin in the guest room of the Min House, waiting for him to wake up. He didn't want him to wake up. Not now. Maybe never - because how was he to see Jimin in pain? With what words would he console him? Would it even make anything better? With which face would he assure his bestfriend that it would all be okay? Would it ever be okay?

"Kookie..." Taehyung whispered, making him look up. His eyes held a haunted look. "Namjoon's calling."

Jungkook flinched at the name and Taehyung understood he wasn't in any state of mind to speak to his Hyung. He answered the phone himself.

"Tae! Oh thank god, you picked up. Is it true?! I saw the news just now! Are ... Are you serious?!"

Taehyung's breath constricted as he squeaked out a yes. He told him where they were and Namjoon hung up, saying he would be there in fifteen minutes.

Taehyung was trying hard to control his tears but it was proving increasingly difficult. They wouldn't stop no matter how much he tried to wipe his eyes. He wanted to be strong for his baby. He knew that this was Jungkook's calm before reality hit him.

Denial is the strongest part of grief and just as hard to overcome.

A tense silence hung in the air as Tae ran his fingers through Jungkook's hair. Jungkook hadn't taken his eyes off his best friend, sitting at his feet. A while later, Jimin stirred, whimpering a bit. Taehyung's heart dropped to his feet.

The bell rang to the house. It was probably Namjoon and Jin so he ran outside and told Jimin's father. The housemaid opened the door and let them in.

Jin was already red eyed and he rushed to hug Youngseo, Yoongi's mother. It was unexpected, but she needed the comfort the most. Yoongi was closest to her after all.

Namjoon spoke to his brother and dad and Jimin's dad, planning the funeral. It had to be done as soon as possible. Taehyung listened quietly. He would be of help whenever needed.

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