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Someone Like You ~ Adele

The first week of Jungkook's final year started smoothly.

He got all he needed for his apartment too. Jimin gifted him some pretty fairy lights which he hung over his bed. He got a bookshelf and rented a cosy armchair near the balcony.

Namjoon and Seokjin came over to see if he needed any help, Joon bringing along some money plants. Jin got his favourite foods from his restaurant. Jungkook was elated.

"You really didn't need to do this! Thank you!"

"Of course we did, it's your first time living completely on your own Kook," Jin smiled, ruffling his hair.

"Yeah. And we're not exactly within a stone's throw either, so we'd probably not meet often. I thought you'd have asked Jimin to move with you. Even the rent would be cheaper for you since you insist on paying for it yourself," Namjoon grumbled.

He had offered to pay but Jungkook didn't want to burden his cousin, not when he was fully capable of earning himself.

"Jimin's going to be here half the time anyway, Hyung. I don't need to ask him to move in."

"Even more reason to have him pay rent," Namjoon shrugged. Jungkook grinned, hugging him.

The elder blonde guy melted instantly. He couldn't stay mad at his baby cousin at all, not when he flashed his toothy grin and the biggest puppy eyes known to man.

"It's okay Hyung, I know you're worried but I am going to love my own space! I'm super excited and looking forward to it. Besides, you helped me get all this furniture too so you've done enough."

Jin clicked a quick picture of the duo.

"My favourite boys!" he smiled.

"I'm still the first yes?" Joon asked, pouting.

Both joined the eldest on the floor where he had set the food out.

"Hah no way, I'm the youngest. You can never beat me, husband or not," Jungkook scoffed, happily digging into the jjangmeyeon Jin had brought.

"You're lucky we're related else I'd chuck you off the balcony for hogging my love," Namjoon chuckled.

Jungkook hummed in satisfaction at the food, ignoring his brother.

"I missed your cooking so much Hyung! Dad made me cook all the time in the summer and it got me so exhausted! I don't know how you do it all day and every day!" 

"That's because I love my job," Seokjin smiled.

"I hope I love mine too. Say, how was your trip to Taiwan?"

The couple told him of their adventures in the summer. Both of them tried to keep ten days in the year free together so that they could travel. Namjoon loved to sightsee and Seokjin loved to try different cuisines so once a year, they visited any country or city of their choice.

To Jungkook, they were the perfect couple.

He listened in rapt attention, enjoying learning about the Taiwanese traditions and art from Joon.

It was evening by the time they left. Jungkook used the happy high to catch up on his work for the day. He wrote his assignments in the planner, scheduling out everything with his job and exams.

He shut his laptop, stretching after two hours of nonstop work. His stomach rumbled and he decided to make himself hot cocoa. He opened the kitchen window to let in some air.

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