Chap. 19

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At the start of the fights, your mind is already starting to wander places. And by the looks of it, your turn would take some time to come. So with all your laziness, you make your way to the wall, that's standing behind all the exam applicants.

And what you did wasn't necessary for any genius to tell you, I believe.
Sitting on the ground, with your back supported by the wall, you look up, bored.

Exactly when the assistant in black announces the start of the fight "Hanzo vs Gon. Enter!"
Some trumpet sounds happen...bla bla...

Sleepy you put your knees close to your chest, arms on them, and soon your head is laying in one of your arms, in a sideway position. Little snow comes laying between your hair and hood, right on your shoulder and that's their favorite place to take a nap.

As the fight starts you hear gon being...well his ass being kicked.
That leaves some weight on your heart. Yet you don't dare to look up, nop, you weren't dealing with feelings. At least not now.

Soon you drive off and sleep takes care of you. Welp, even with the side stares from a clown, you sleep well. Everyone, almost everyone's attention was solely on the fight.

Thud, growls, groans, kick sounds, conversations, and some bloodlust is overlooked by you.

Your eyes open with gon scream and you are sure you had heard a bone breaking.
And while the ninja guy talked about himself and ninja life, you pondered looking up or not... Yet you close your eyes again and relax after you hear Gon kicking Hanzo and talking.

Tho, you laugh a little when Gon shouts "well, that's a problem!" 
Oh boy. Everyone seemed to freeze and after realization settled almost everyone chuckled. Even Hisoka, who was nearly to kill someone with his glare.

Welp, you believe that it was at least a "don't touch my fruit" weird thing going on.

Anyways after the whole Gon thing trying to find a way for the fight to work out, you got back to your precious sleep.


And here we go...illumi is as manipulative as ever...

Even more with his needles.

I'm sorry kill, I can't do anything today...

With all the carp of "assassins don't have a use for friends" and all that, illumi continued to be a hypocrite.
And a good actor.

Hisoka now was beside you. His back laying against the wall and his arms are crossed, not even a smirk on his face.

"...hypocrite...", you mumble to Hisoka.

"fufu~", he starts, "that's the first thing you say for this phase. Oh so mean, you didn't even watch my fights...~"

" was boring."

The surprise was clear on the clown's face. Yes, he had seen you talk more than one word or doing a conversation...with was rare for you to even say a word to him, or phrases, even more, to answer him.

Or even start a conversation, he realizes, and you just did

"it's going to be even more boring for the next hours~.", he tried his luck.

"...", heh, he should be happy the conversation was that long.

Meh, the result of the next match is death. Killua had just killed bodoro the old man. And so everyone passed minus the mind-controlled, white-haired boy.

•time skip•

You were in the last row of seats, alone watching the fights that happened while you were sleeping, on one little piece of advice of yours.

In the end, you got some info.
Yet as you were finishing, Gon entered the room, and hold and behold he broke illumi's wrist and, accused as well as threatened him, interesting.

And more bla bla and some fights between the others about a lot of things related to the last exam and more long lines of the chairman. Urgh. Boring I say, boring!! I'm LAZY.

Ahem... I'm sorry. * cough *

"This is completely pointless! Why argue about whether somebody should have passed? If you're not satisfied that you made it, you can keep working until you are. If Killua wants to retake the Hunter exam, then I know he'll pass! He didn't this time, and it is what it is. But still, if you've been forcing Killua to murder people against his will, this whole time... I will never forgive you!", gon time to have a monologue.

"never forgive me? So what will you do?", illumi guy.

"I won't do anything. But after I go rescue Killua, I'll never let you see him again!"

After gon inspirational words and the chairman agreeing with him,

The little green bean started explaining the privileges that the hunter card gave us and so.

"Well, then we can now certify all eight applicants present as licensed hunters!" 

Finally, everyone evacuated the room and get to go on with their lives.

You, well you were passing Hisoka on the moment.
"I knew you would follow my advice."
"My~, why would I not?~"
"see you soon...", you started walking away.
"Awn, you're going away as soon as you started talking more to me, I'm going to cry~"

You just ignored him. Yet again, sigh, before you could go out of the building, illumi called.
"Dad called for you."
You just waved bye to him without turning to look back...

Walking to the green area close to the exit, you stay under a tree shadow for a little boy. And believe me, when I say you waited!

And as soon as you see him, the next words come out with no second thought behind them. "I'm coming with you."

"huh?" 2x
"...", Gon just stared at you, before a huge grin formed on his face. "okay!"


(n/a: gonna be honest, I'm lazy asf so this chapter may be shitty shit...

Anyways I hope you all had an awesome Christmas and new year, if you don't celebrate them welp I hope you had amazing days and nights. Or if you celebrate more things that too.

I'm sorry if I sound dry or salty rn, I'm in need of sleep :')

The next chapter will be way better I hope, so continue reading, please ;-;
Also, it's starting to get interesting muhahaha.

Thank you for all the comments, you got me laughing, and for the votes and reading.
You guys are adorable istg!

Take care of yourselves my dears!
See ya~)

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