Chap. 18

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(N/a: so for the wish of @I_amLiability here we go with a little bonus of snow being interviewed. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) ) 


"Now let's start the interview with the little one. Snow, tell me, why do you want to become a hunter?", the chairman asked looking down at the little white-coloured fur sugar glider.

A bark. "Oh I see, so you want to keep having adventures and protect your friend here."

You stared emotionally at your little friend.
You would protect them too, with your life.

"Now for the second question. Who are you keeping an eye on?"

A bark and a hiss are heard. "Ohoho, #44 and #301...wait they do??"

The shocked chairman looks at you with his jaw down.

"They are joking... it's not true.", you reassure.

"... Alright then...who would you least want to fight?"

A hiss is heard alone this time. "Hm...#405 I see. Why?", another hiss. "I understand. Thank you, you two may go."

And so the little being jumped to your shoulder and both of you walked out of the room.


(Now the chapter.)

Gon, Killua, Leorio, Kurapika, Y/n, Pokkle, Bodoro, Gittarackur, Hanzo and Hisoka, having passed the fourth phase, head to the site of the final phase of the exam.

"Well, everyone rested up? Good. Now then. The hunter exam committee runs this hotel. So, I want all of you to make yourself at home until the battles have concluded. For the final phase of the hunter exam, you'll be competing in a one-on-one tournament.", Netero starts his monologue.

And while the chairman was talking an assistant dressed in a black suit walked to him with a board behind a white sheet.
Once the board is revealed, we can just see black lines that show what looks like be to be a plane of the battles ahead of you.

"Hold on a second. So only the last person standing passes?", oreo boy asks.
"No. You only need one win to pass this phase.", the chairman explains.

"Just one?", the sunshine boy exclaims surprised.
"Wait. So, in this tournament...", oreo asks.

"See, it's the winners who will drop away and the losers who will advance to the next round, which means, the person who finishes at the top will not pass. Make sense to everyone?", once again Netero explains.

"You're saying that only one person will fail the exam.", the ninja guy affirms.

"Here is the bracket we've put together."
And so the chairman took off a white sticker. "Impressive, yes? You see under this format, every competitor has at least two chances to win a round."

Then the Pokkle guy says, "yeah but some people get five chances to win, like numbers 294 and 405"

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Then the Pokkle guy says, "yeah but some people get five chances to win, like numbers 294 and 405"

"Couldn't you have used a more balanced bracket?", Bodoro, the other old man here reclaimed.

"What? Are you jelly because of your incompetence?", your voice comes out in a strong mocking way.

Everyone turns to you, some confusion about the way you talking for the first time in a while, and some surprise. And two with furious expressions.

You just looked away as if nothing had happened.

"Hmm...well, this bracket was carefully assembled based on each of your individual performances throughout the hunter exam. To put it simply, those whose performances were rated highly will have the most chances to win."

You could hear someone behind you mumble something about "how did they know" and shit like that. You just smirked behind your mask.

"I'm not convinced. Could you explain exactly how you scored our performances?", killua asks.

"Hmm...NO!!", the chairman yells startled you and killua for a second.
"WHY NOT!?", killua yells back.

"I can't say because your scores are classified.", netero laughs. " I can't reveal your actual scores. However, I can explain the criteria we used. We start with the basics. There are three categories. There's a physical stretch, mental acuity and lastly, overall impression. When judging physical strength we rely on an aggregate of agility, flexibility, endurance, and perception. For mental acuity, the aggregate consists of resilience, adaptability, judgment, and of course, creativity. But these are only reference points. After all, every last one of you was strong enough in mind and body to reach the final phase. We're most concerned with your overall impression. This refers to any intangible factors that defy basic categorization." And then after that long and exhausting monologue, the chairman laughs. And...continues..."think of it as our way of assessing your potential as a hunter. We round out our assessment by incorporating the opinions of your peers. There you have it."

Finally...he finished! TT TT

Oh no...

"The rules of the battle are really quite simple. Weapons are allowed, cheating is forbidden, and if your opponent admits defeat you win. However! If you kill your opponent, you will be disqualified without hesitation. And if that happens, the exam ends and the remaining applicant's pass, got it?"

"Let the final phase of the exam begin!" another assistant dressed in a black suit announces.

(N/a: Heyoooo, guys I must say that these past three weeks have been CHAOTIC.
So many things happened, first things first...I moved, no no not houses, well yes that too but more like I moved COUNTRY!! YEAH, WE GO GOO!

ahem sorry...I'm really happy about that cause it means I am finally starting my life plans. And so I apologise for the long wait and little curiosity I did write the bonus on the plane :3

But anyway I have been busy busy working and guess what, I have an extroverted job and I'm an introvert...

Yeah. So I'm not dead :]
Thank you for everything everyone, I hope you had a good Halloween and yeah this is a short chapter cause I need to go to work soon and huh...did you see how much that old chairman monologues?? I'm not doing any more today!.

So see ya, till the next chapter or comment, take care of yourself and byebye!!)

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