Chap. 15

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After so many bites of snakes, you just wanted to lay down and sleep. Yes, the poison can't kill you but that doesn't mean you are immune to it.

Nope, not even close. The pain and discomfort are present as ever have. The feeling of your insides burning as if you had drunk bleach or some gas. Oh, we can't forget the burning of the places where the bites are- which is, everywhere.

You could feel a fever forming. You definitely should find a secure place to pass the night, as it felt like you were going to pass out at any moment.

"Then, it was fun but I'm going now!", as you say that you turn to walk away but someone- and by someone I mean Gon - stops you from going further as he stands in front of you with his arms wide open to the side.

"You're sick, you can't go alone!", his voice is full of worry for the stranger in front of him.

"...I'm not sick, so if you would let me-", you stop talking as your vision starts to distort and twirl. 

You then put a hand in front of your eyes.
"See? You're not alright, please lay down."

Feeling dizzy you ponder if it's okay to trust the young boy. Well, you had two options: go in the forest alone and be in danger as you're almost, and yes I mean almost, vulnerable, or you could stay and trust the destiny that you would be safe with strangers.

Strangers that could kill you, sell you or worse.

Yeah, the percentage of that happening is still there. You saw more than enough to know that's the usual thing that happens most of the time...

But...they are kids, alright two of them are teens and sure, they lived hard lives...
And they don't look like who would do such things, yet didn't you see more innocent-looking ones that did the worse of the worse? Hell, not even demons would've done such things.
...but you know...maybe your intuition is right. You did follow your intuitions all this time, all these years...and it hadn't failed you before, well you could even say you are still here breathing cause of your intuition...

Ah, never mind, it doesn't matter. In your state, you don't care anymore.

As you come back to reality after all the intrusive thoughts, you take note that you and Gon have carried the two sleeping teens to a different area- Gon did. He was the one who carried the he made sure you walked by his side.

Your silence worried him. Yes, you were a stranger, he didn't know anything more than your name. But his mind told him that you were a good person, someone with a lot of nightmares in life...but a good person. After all, you did save his friend's life.

You would deny anything related to saving a person's life, in your words the cause was that you were bored and wanted to exit the place as soon as possible- even though you could exit anytime you wanted- or cause you needed some adrenaline rush.

Now in a silent atmosphere, in a strange situation where Gon is making beds with leaves and anything useful he could find, two teens sleeping and you just observing him working.

Maybe the fever and pain were making you nuts. Holy cow, you could handle it, you had handled much more why does it make you feel so...strange?

"Here I made you one too! Ah...I thought that you would feel more comfortable a little removed from us so...", Gon, the sunshine boy, scratches his neck, his fear of making you uncomfortable is visible in his expression.

You stare with an empty expression at the improvised bed a few distant from the other three, with two of them already being used.

You then feel Gon approaching you and gently guiding you to the bed, soon making you seat in it. You didn't do anything. You just let him guide you to rest.
"Now, sleep a little. I'll take care of guarding."

You just stare at him. Then a nod, indicating you agree.
The young boy then goes to sit beside his friends, yet not before he puts on your forehead a wet handkerchief.

Where did it come from? Who knows, maybe from oreo boy or the kurta one?

There we go...
Your mind wonders, what are you doing there, laying down, with strangers a few distances away?

But you don't even stop to care or hear about the nagging voice that screams for you to run away from there. No, you're more interested in why you're feeling so empty but at the same time...strange.

All your mind could point to be the reason was...the kindness...yes, all that worrying for you, all that sweet gestures. Right...that was new for you.

Is this what feeling cared for is? Is this happiness from having someone caring for you so openly?

Stopping to think, Hisoka and Illumi did feel like friends, sure they were creepy and weird, yet they were always there beside you all these years back.
But they didn't worry about you. Ah, that's right, they hadn't the opportunity to, as you always took care of yourself and didn't get hurt in front of them.

It is what worry is, isn't it? Oh... I did read that there's more to it...

How life is cruel was well known to you. All your life you had seen bad deeds, people committing wrong decisions, people dying, people starving, people killing themselves, and egocentric and arrogant people ordering people to do their crimes. Oh, so many crimes.

Good people? Kindhearted people? There were just a few of them from where you came...

As the reflections arrived, they would go away, swayed by the sounds of the night.

Only the thought that you maybe should give a chance to yourself to trust them, stayed.

And with the sounds of an owl and the wind rustling the leaves in the trees. Sleep takes over you, quieting your mind and leaving you in the world of dreams.


(N/a: Hi there, everyone!

Today has been one of the times that I forgot so many words in English and just remembered them in my native language...I lost count of how many times I searched the word I wanted.

...anyways, here we go with a new chapter. And, hey I know it's been a while, I'm not gonna lie, it may take another while for a new one.
You see, I'm thinking about writing new chapters to my other books and I'm about to move so the next one will probably take more time.

So thank you so much for everyone's patience and care for this story. Thank you for voting, adding my book to your lists and commenting.

It makes my day!

Well then, take care of yourselves, bye-bye!)

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