3rd cap.

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You hear cards rustling, and your line of vision comes back to the direction of the clown. As you see him play with his cards while smirking, a chill runs on your back.

"I see, I see...that settles it...you're the real one." You hear him say, looking at the examiner. You don't want to stare too much at him so you, as well, look away in the direction of the examiner.

Of course, all the other people look at the examiner to see his reaction.
You watch the examiner, who by now has, let go of the cards and the crowd of people.

"Examiners are hunters selected by the committee to perform this duty without pay. Any hunter, bearing the title we seek, would have been able to block that attack.", you look back to the clown.

"Unfortunately, you are still passing this phase.", you mutter as you see by the examined facial expression that he wasn't going to do anything to him, yet.

"I shall take that as a compliment. However, should you attack me again, for any reason, I will report you for turning on an examiner and you will be immediately disqualified. Are we clear?", "Sure."

Sob the stares of the crowd, the supposed man who said that he was the real examiner was being eaten by some birds.

"Nature really can be brutal to watch...", you hear the old man say, even if he is a teenager, you still would call him that.
"So he was a man-faced ape, as well.", this time you hear the blond boy mumble.

"He was attempting to confuse the applicants, to lure some of them away.", while talking, the examiner walks by the middle of the participants, "you will be encountering such deception regularly.", stopping looking at the scene the others were watching, he continues his lecture, "I believe that a number of you were fooled into suspecting my identity? Do you understand? If you lose sight of me in the Numere Wetlands fog, you will never reach the exam's Second Phase. Do beat that in mind. Then let us be on your way. Please follow me."

°time skip°


All of the participants started, yet again, one more time running.
You were somewhat in the middle of the crowd and unfortunately, Hisoka was by your side.

"I wasn't expecting you here~", of course, he would try to talk to you, you thought.

You decide to ignore him and his eyes staring at you. You were uncomfortable, yet you wouldn't let him know that. You have your pride.

"So mean, don't ignore me~... Want some fun?", I look at him to see that he is mentioning the group of people behind us.

You shake your head, mentioning that you don't want to have something with that.

"Come on~", with that you see by the side of your eyes, that he started going in another way. And unfortunately to you, you have as well. Why? Well, he must have caught you with his bungee then, a moment that you don't remember.

For now, you just go and choose to go away when he is distracted.
You two run a little bit till the clown in front of you stops and points at a tree.

You take some steps and lean in the tree he mentioned.
You watch as he is surrounded by the same group of people from before.

Yet, you can hear people in the distance, most likely to be the old man and the blond boy.

"When I saw you last year, I knew you weren't hunter material.", you look to one man, who you suppose, is the lead of the group, as he confessed.

"We'll spare you if you swear not to take the hunter exam again.", says another one. That's pointless he will kill all of you, you sigh as you thought that it's their end.

"Sure~.", the group lets gasp in surprise as he agreed so easy. "I'm passing the exam this year, so I won't need to retake it~."
"Passing? Idiot! Look at this fog. It's impossible to determine which direction the main pack went!", the leader says again.
"Meaning we've all failed the exam!", some other says.

You hear Hisoka chuckle, "so that's why. Having already failed, you wish to play examiner. Hunters require prey. Why don't I play examiner...and judge whether you are hunter material?", you watch as he shows one card in his fingers.

You decide to try to go away as he is attracted by all of that people. You didn't want to have to be with that guy more time. And unfortunately, he wouldn't die...

You hear the sound of bodies falling on the ground and the lead of the group desperate to run away.
You just continue to try to walk out from there.

"Where are you going?~", you stop when you hear the voice of that clown behind you.
"Don't leave me~. Little puppeteer~."

You finch, that name...yap, how could you go when he mentioned that nickname.

As Hisoka sees that you won't go away anymore, he changes his focus to other people.

"Well, care to participate, in my little game of examiner?", you glance over your shoulder to see the old man and the blond guy there looking at you and the clown.

You hear the plan of the blond boy and you agree with the fact that they wouldn't be able to win against Hisoka. So it was a wise plan.

You watch as the clown walks in their direction and prepares to fight them when some birds fly in the sky scared and Leorio and Kurapika run away in two different directions.

"I see...a wise decision, wasn't it?~", he says that, looking at you.
You just nod quietly.

But, you can hear that one of them is back again, why? Most likely wants to die.

You watch as Hisoka looks at the old man who is back saying something about even if this fight wasn't his, he couldn't ignore it and run away.

Maybe that was something honourable for him...but to you, it was merely stupid. He would die if he doesn't run for real this time, which you have the feeling that he wasn't gonna do.

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