2nd cap.

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(A/n: Hi there!
So the coat in the media is what you are using.
Oh, by the way, you can choose whatever colour you want.)


Two hours have passed since the start of the exam. All of you, have run over thirty kilometres from the start. And yet, nobody knows where you all are going and how much more is necessary to run.

Many participants have already dropped out. Some passed from exhaustion and others can't proceed running.

You are running at, what you like to name, running at a normal speed.
Still running you make sure that your hood was up and wouldn't fall. You see a small kid, who looked like a mama's boy, running while holding and typing in a small portable computer in his hands. The kid was making an irritant noise while running.

As you were getting annoyed by the sound so you slowed a little, putting some distance from the kid. By that, you are now a little more for the back, so you are surrounded by some exhausted people.

You hear the sound of someone using a skate and then someone yelling something.
"Hey! Wait up, kid! You should show the hunter exam some respect!", you look to your side and see some old man, with black hair, sunglasses, a blue suit and a suitcase, running while yelling to a kid on a skateboard, with hair and blue eyes.
"What do you mean?", the kid asks.
"Why are you using a skateboard? That's cheating!", you weren't interested in that discussion so you just look away from them and continue running.
"This is an endurance test!", you still could hear them. They sure can be loud and you all being in a giant tunnel, wasn't helping.

"No, it isn't.", you now hear a third voice say, with some luck they would be quite soon...or not.
"Gon what are you saying?"
"Examiner only told us to follow him."
"Whose side are you on, eh?"
"Hey, how old are you?", you hear the kid on the skateboard, asking the other boy. You glance, quickly, at them to see another boy in a whole green outfit and spike hair.
"I'm twelve years old."

You hear some sounds and you think that kid makes some move or something with the skateboard.
You without interest in them, take the chance to look discreetly if you are too close to some people that you prefer to be away, well, if it was as you wanted they were on the other side of the world.

You feel two auras from two people that you can't stand, in front of you. So you guess you are okay now.

You hear some noise behind you. You look to see the old man has stopped, he looks exhausted, well, the other two kids have stopped too.

You just continue to run while thinking that he wasn't going to pass the 1st phase when you hear the old man yelling that he is going to become a hunter.

Some seconds after, he passes you sprinting, surprised, you somewhat lost some of your balance, before you could fall you spin some times and do some footwork.

"Wow.", you hear someone say behind you, ignoring it, you just continue to run.
"Hey, I'm Gon, what's your name?", one more time, you ignore the kid, now, Gon, and don't respond.
"Forgot them, Gon.", you hear the other boy says.

Gon disappointed stops trying to talk to you after you start running stairs, a little faster.
You all, most likely, have run eighty kilometres or if you prefer more than 4 hours running.

You feel the crow in front of you going faster. So you, as well, start to move more quickly.
You are still a little bit close to the old man and the other boy with blond hair. You, unfortunately, hear their conversation, how the old man wants money and about his past, about his friend who died and about the kurta eyes that the blond one talked about.

You couldn't help, all of your senses were so sharp that you couldn't, not listen. 

"See you at the goal, Kurapika.", you hear Gon say so you think about going more faster and hiding in the crow, from them.
"Catch you later, old-timer."
"I'm not old! I'm a teenager, just like you guys!"

"EHH?!", you without knowing, are shocked and you let some of your voice come out. Luckily, it's low because of your mask so it's easier to hide that it was you. So, quickly start to go faster.

Both of them pass you, while you hide in the crow of people.

After some time you come outside. And, when you suppose that the time limit to get there has finished, the examiner starts talking again.

"The Numero wetlands, also known as Swindlers Swamp. We must cross these wetlands to reach phase two of the exam. This place is home to many bizarre animals, many of them being Cunning, insatiable creatures who have to deceive humans and prey upon them. Be very careful. If you let them fool you...you're dead."

Then the exit of the tunnel started to close, making it impossible for one last man, to pass.

"These wetland creatures will use every trick in the book to fool their prey. An ecosystem in which creatures obtain food through deceit...hence the name Swindlers Swamp. Stay very close to me so you won't be deceived."

And then some man came from nowhere and start saying to not be fooled by the 'examiner' and more things. You have sure that the real examiner was the one who guide you all there, so you focused on something more important. The clown.

One of the ones that you don't care if died there was looking at you. How amazing.

You make sure that your hood was still up so he couldn't see your face or your hair, not that he wasn't aware that was you. You knew that he knows, who you are. He looked at the commutation, then to you and smirked...

...he smirked...one that you know too well, he was going to attack someone and probably kill them...

In a matter of seconds, you see some cards floating. Some killed the man, who was lying about being the examiner while the others have been caught by the real examiner.

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