Chap. 12

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(N/a: Hi! Quick note, I don't own the image above, I just took one from google. Also, that's supposed to be snow, they are an albino sugar glider.)


You took the little white animal off your face. Putting them on one branch of the tree, you got out, of one pocket, two little bottles, one with little cubs of fruit and the other with small insects.

The little being took the one with fruit. Well, not in the mood for insects I see. But again, they must eat a lot already.

Now, while they were eating the treat, you used the change to take off the little camera that was around their head. It's so little and light that doesn't influence the movement of the sugar glider.

And it helps you to get a little useful information about what happens during the night.
You got a lot of information, and now it's time for the little animal to rest.

They are a little sugar glider that likes to follow you around so you named them snow, for the rare white colour in that species.

You always were good with animals so it wasn't a problem being on good terms with them, yet snow was the only you couldn't think about staying apart more than one night. They were immensely important to you, your best friend you could say.

You two were travelling together just for two years, they would eat, play and sleep whenever they wanted. They aren't your pet, yes you give them food, water and some toys but they are just your little companion. If someday, they decide to stop following you then you can't stop them.

Well, whatever happens, will happen...

A bark is heard, and automatically your attention is driven to snow.
"I know little bud, it's time for me to sleep..."

They hiss happily, "But don't go too far, we need to find killua soon, as it seems my prey is following him. And, well, I will just sleep for a few hours, till the sun starts to rise."

Doing a little nod with their little head, they jump, soon gliding to the tree next to where you are and soon you can't see them.

With a Sigh, you lay on the branch and just gaze up, admiring the sky till your eyelids becomes heavy and the dark familiar dream world comes embracing your sleepy form, taking you away in their arms...


•time skip• (Four hours)

The sun quickly raised in the sky and now with the rays of light going through the leaves of the trees, you reach where you think killua could be.

Snow was sleeping in a pocket on your coat/jacket.

Hiding in the tree leaves, you find the auras of a bored boy, of a hidden ninja, of an afraid one and two others coming close.

You stay back observing everything.
Killua is standing in between trees looking to the side where it's the aura of the afraid boy. He, for sure, did catch that the boy was following him, maybe even the ninja guy.

he looks bored... same, choco robot boy, same... (。•́︿•̀。)

Looking like killua got bored of waiting for the blue boy to go out, even if it looked like the boy was too afraid to do anything, killua walked to where the other was.

Yet all that was interrupted by the other two brothers appearing.

"We ran into some trouble."
"You're done, right?"

But, the two noticed killua in front of them. And seeing that their brother didn't do his part they kick him.
"You idiot!"
"You can't even beat a little kid?"

"Y-you got it wrong, Amo!"
"What do I have wrong?", the red boy asked his brother. We can presume that he was probably the leader of the three, as the blue boy was so afraid of him.

" i-i didn't want to hurt a little kid. So I figured id take it while he slept."
-so killua didn't sleep-

"You're lying through your teeth!"
"F-fine! If you insist, that leaves me no choice. Time for a beat down."

One of your browns goes up and a little smirk makes place on your lips. An idea was playing in your confusion of mind.

The blue boy starts to walk to killua, smirking nervously. While the last one stays in place with an emotionless expression on.
Soon stops in front of the younger boy, trying to be intimidating. Kye word, trying.

"Hey, kid. Just give me your tag. Do as I say, and I won't hurt you."

"Bakaaa.", killua says with a bored and somewhat disgusted expression.
(a/n: I needed to let it be in Japanese. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
I'm sure you know what it means but yeah I will still let it here. [Baka -> idiot])

And then killua is sent flying to the ground with a kick.
"Aw, don't say I didn't warn you. Haha, right in the gut."
"Must hurt like a bitch."

Yeah, killua jumps to his feet without a problem and as if nothing happened.
"Huh?", the blue boy seems surprised at that.

"What? Did you go easy on him?"
"You're too nice, Imori."

Taking a number bandage from his pocket, killua reads aloud, "#198, huh?"

"What? No way...", searching in his pockets, the blue boy notices that his bandage isn't there anymore and that the white-haired boy got it.

"Since it's only a number off from the one I'm after, maybe #199 is one of your two buddies?", killua says while playing with the bandage in his hand.

Jumping to the ground, behind killua.
"I'm taking that if you don't mind.", you whisper in his ear.

The look of surprise in his eyes, screams to you that he wasn't aware you were there, and, definitely, not expecting you to jump behind him.

With wide eyes, he jumps away from you.
Soon to be glaring daggers in your way.
Smiling with your eyes you wave at him, do a little bow to all of them, and disappears leaving the sound of giggles behind.

The surprised expressions in the five of them were too funny to you.
So the little chuckles you let free, made you company till you found a good place to sit and eat lunch...


(N/a: Hello, everyone!
Sorry for not updating the last few weeks, a lot was going on with my graduation and final school projects. I can't promise that I'm going to update more cause I still have my final exam...the good part is that I don't need to study any theory! Haha...

...kill me (╥﹏╥)...

Well! In any case, thank you for all the support and I'm glad you all seem to be enjoying this book! (≧▽≦)

Stay safe and take care of yourselves.

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